Boredom II, My Drive

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Y/N genuinely didn't know what to do as soon as the dude moved, getting ready to attack Fushiguro. 

At the same time though, her body seemed to know exactly what to do.

Unfortunately it happened so quickly that when Y/N moved her hand in the way, she accidentally smacked Fushiguro in the face from the force of the third year basically punching her arm.

Her arm made some sort of cracking sound and Y/N cringed, knowing full well that her arm was injured. Whether it was dislocated or even broken, Y/N would have to probably go to the hospital yet again.

"Fushiguro! L/N!" Nobara yelled, going to move closer to the confrontation only for Mai to grab onto her.

"Ow!" Y/N groaned, grabbing onto her arm but still standing in-between Fushiguro and Todo even though she felt like she might actually pass out. She was sure that Todo felt bad by the expression he had, he probably didn't think that she was gonna get in the way of his attack like that.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked Fushiguro, watching as he fell onto his ass before holding onto his face. It looked like her hand hit him in the forehead and it didn't just hurt him, it hurt her.

She's pretty sure something in her arm is broken.

"Yeah." Fushiguro sighed, standing back up but still rubbing his forehead that took the brunt of the pressure. It was as if the attack traveled through her arm and into Fushiguro's face.

"What the hell is your problem?" Y/N darkly glared at the third year, only gaining a sigh as he wiped the tears that still fell from his face.

"I knew as soon as I saw Fushiguro that he would turn out to be a boring guy, but they always say that you should never judge a person by their looks." Toge whined, as if he had been emotionally damaged by Fushiguro's response to his question. It didn't make any sense to Y/N at all. What was the point in attacking someone for the type of people they found attractive?

"So I went out of my way to ask him the question, but he just trampled on my kindness."

Y/N turned her head to look at Fushiguro, raising an eyebrow as he stood up from the ground. He glared at the dude, barely shrugging his shoulders since he didn't know what was going on either.

"You're head looks like a pineapple and you're about as smart as one too-"

"Fushiguro!" Y/N yelled, running over to him and standing in front of the approaching body builder before scolding him. "You shouldn't be insulting the guy that just punched you in the face!"

"He didn't punch me in the face, you smacked me because he punched your arm." Fushiguro replied.

"That doesn't matter!" Y/N replied in a hushed tone, not having a clue what to do at all.

"I heard, you don't use cursed techniques." Fushiguro starts, stalling for time to talk instead of fighting.

"What? Aw nah that rumors false. I did against the special grade."

Wait, did that mean that he literally just used brute strength to exorcise every other curse besides the special grade curse? Why?

Oh she's screwed over. How in the world would she be able to defend Fushiguro let alone herself? Not that Fushiguro needed defending but still, she wanted to help.

"That's good to know! L/N get out of here!" Fushiguro yelled as he called his demon frog but the only difference was that this time they had wings. That's strange.

"What?! Where am I supposed to go?! Don't you need help?!" Y/N worriedly relied, freezing up since she was stuck.

"No! You wanna get your ass handed back to you?!"

VINTAGE INSPIRATION || JJKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ