A Random Start

304 19 27

"Excuse me?" The boy called.

He had come because wanted to buy a movie ticket and it was as simple as that. Although he didn't want to be too loud with his request since the woman in the booth seemed too busy to help.


"Uh... Excuse me?"


"Excuse me?!"

The woman jumped slightly, swallowing the food that was in her mouth before looking at the boy that had called her. His want to watch the movie overpowered his judgement to be quiet.


When the boy did finally get her attention, he just smiled at her before pointing at which movie he wanted to watch.

"One adult ticket please, for human earthworm three."

"That'll be eighteen hundred yen." She boringly stated.

"Oh, here." The boy replied before setting his money down in front of the woman.

"The show will start in ten minutes."

"Thank you."

It was a simple transaction, one that was for the benefit of both parties.

The woman got the money while he got to watch a movie. Of course he was skipping school to do so, but it still helped him out... 

Or at least he thought it would... 

Maybe he should have gone to school today instead of skipping.

He probably should have just stayed at home altogether.


Y/N sighed as she laid in bed, annoyed that she was awake at this time of night.

Like, why?

Can she really not be allowed to sleep? Even when she finally had the chance to do so she couldn't and it was two o'clock in the morning already.

She didn't have enough patience for this crap and it sucked.

Though, maybe trying to go to sleep with sweats and a long sleeved shirt was her fault, it was hot but she was so tired that she didn't want to get out of bed to change. 

She's not sure whether that was the real reason that was keeping her awake or not.

She was going to be really busy today, she had to go to the hospital in Sendai to pay the last of her medical bill. She hadn't even gotten to the medical bill that she had recently acquired from going to the stupid prison detainee center and after she did pay that she would probably be broke again.

Then she had to buy a bunch of stuff for the cat to feed and play with since the cat was now going to temporarily be in her care. Then there was her last month and then this month's payment for her old apartment since she still had to finish her contract. She had also planned on visiting Wasuke's grave so there was that...

She's not sure if she can get that all done in one day and still get to training with everyone else. She would probably have to reschedule on the hospital payment and the grave visit. 

Y/N hears a bump and something fall from somewhere, funny enough though, she doesn't even have the energy to check out what it is. 

She knows who it is anyway

"... Morning cat."

Y/N barely opened her eyes when she heard a meow in response, a few seconds later the black cat took it upon itself to climb up on the bed and nuzzle up against Y/N. The cat got comfortable and laid still in the bed as Y/N tiredly patted its head and she gained the content sound of purring.

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