Part 1

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She thought to herself, "maybe if I close my eyes it will disappear and I'll be at home again, with Kay and Bea." But when she opened them slowly, he was still in front of her.

-end of flashforward-

-Third Person POV-

y/n had a simple life, lovely but simple. She was born in the ocean faction, one of the richer, more high status factions. Life there was good, certainly better than the farming and mining factions. The ocean had many luxuries that came from the heavy pearl fishing and all who lived there had relatively "cushy" lives. y/n lived in a moderate sized house on the ocean front with her older brother Kay, her mother and her cat, Bea. Her father had never been extremely present, he always had an adventurous spirit in her mothers words, he left when Kay was just a baby after deciding he couldn't be tied down to a family. He visited on the odd birthday or holiday and always tried to bring lots of gifts to make up for his absence but you could always tell that he was just itching to get back on the water. Today was one such day, as it was y/n's 17th birthday.

-y/n's POV-

I jumped out of bed, I'm not normally a morning person but today was special, my birthday! My birthdays are the highlight of my year. Every year on my birthday I am allowed to visit the pearl harbour, usually mother doesn't allow it as she says that it is dangerous being around the rough men and machinery but I so love pearls and there's no place with so many than the harbour. Bea meows at the absence of me in the bed, I shake my head and say to her, 

"Bea today is important, we can cuddle later!" I rush out of my bedroom leaving the door ajar. 

"woah, woah, I know you're excited but at least brush your hair and eat some breakfast hun!" says my mom with a slight hint of amusement in her voice. 

"Ugh fine" I exasperate dragging out the -gh. 

While mom puts some toast on a plate I slide with my socks to the bathroom. I by accidentally slide right into Kay! 

"calm down! you're gonna give yourself an injury!" he exclaims with a teasing tone, he knows why I'm so excited.

 I brush through my y/h/l, y/h/c hair. Walking back to my seat in the kitchen my mother says "make sure that you're back by sundown, your father wants to see you open your presents!" "Alright" I mumble while chewing dry toast. As soon as I finish I grab my sketchbook bag and throw on my sandals to leave. Opening the door the fresh smell of sea salt hits my nose and I inhale deeply. Setting off towards the pearl harbour with a spring in my step and a smile on my face, I think about the day ahead of me


There it was, the most beautiful place on earth, the pearl harbour. The amount of seaweed and fish bones on the shore was enough to make anyone not from the ocean faction scrunch their nose in disgust, but to me, the scene was perfect. Walking along the beach I found a nice rock to get a good look at the pier where the ships were already sorting through all the oysters they had brought in the previous night. I draw the scenery every year when I come here, it astonishes others to see my improvement over the years drawing the same thing with different skill levels.

 Just as I started my sketch, a bird fell out of the sky. Well... it looked like a bird, but it was pretty big? Maybe an emu, do those fly? I don't remember. It looked like it landed down the beach so maybe I'll take a quick break just to see if the bird is alright. I jogged a little bit down the beach till I stopped about 2 meters away, it certainly wasn't a bird, I could only see its back but it had large, red, yellow, and blue feathery wings and appeared to be wearing pants. My heart rate rose a little, what if this thing is violent? 

"hello?" I managed to squeak out, trying to see if it was conscious before I got any closer. No reply.

 "maybe if I close my eyes it will disappear and I'll be at home again, with Kay and Bea." But when I opened them slowly, he was still in front of me. 

I slowly walk around the winged creature, a human! It was a man! He looked around my age, he had fluffy, blonde hair that was slightly bloodied and full of sand. I searched his face for traces of injuries that the blood could have come from, he had a few small cuts on his forehead that looked like they needed cleaning. I would have to get to that soon. He wore a red knit sweater with a white collared shirt under, and black pants. He seemed to be breathing quite steadily but was still unresponsive. 

"I can't just leave him here" I mumbled to myself.

 I brushed the bloodied hair out of his face and wiped sand away from his mouth and eyes, he was really cute! But that isn't important right now, I need to get him to my house to clean his cuts and make sure he's alright after a fall right out of the sky!

 If I'm right, he must be an avian, I'm not exactly sure how that's possible considering father told me a story about them being completely eradicated by people jealous of the power of flight. I'd assume based on that story that it wouldn't be a good idea to let anyone know that he's here, so I have to get him to my bedroom without anyone knowing. I scan the beach for anything that could help. 

"Aha! an old sail!" I exclaimed a little too loudly, I don't want anyone to hear me or they might find the man.

 I take the old sail off of the sand and drape it over his shoulders covering his wings as best I can so that I can bring him home. I hoist him up onto my back with great difficulty as he was not the lightest.

 "Alright Mr. bird man, this is gonna look real weird to anyone walking by so we are going to take the back alley back to my house and hop through my window." I start on my way with him on my back.


That's the end of part 1! I hope it's alright!

1111 words

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