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Its the same soldier from Warners room he jogs toward me . " You may only adress me by madam Clara thank you very much " . He seems to brush off my comment . He moves closer to me and I keep backing away until I hit the wall . He places his hand by my head and moves closer to my face . " You are a very attractive woman Clara I'd like to get to know you a little better " . He plays with a lock of my hair and stares at my lips . He kisses me with an intensity , parts my lips and I slap him across his face . " How do you dare treat me with such disrespect ! " I raise my voice at him and slip out from under him and I start running until somebody aggressively grabs my arm . I'm now pinned against my bedroom door . " You're not getting away that easily Blondie,  I know we want the same thing " He opens my bedroom door kissing me and pushing me onto my bed . He lays on top of me so that I'm unable to move and kisses me . He yanks me up and takes off my coat and luckily by the grace of God his walkie talkie buzzes " Soldier where are you Anderson is looking for you " . He jumps up and runs out of my room .

I'm boxing my punching bag in fast fluid motions . I take a second to breathe and find one of the new guys staring at me in awe . Brown eyes wide and jaw on the floor . Once we make eye contract , he then looks away , I smile  . I head over to a corner to drink some water and I feel better after boxing everything away , yet again my body hurts like hell . A huge shadow covers my light and it's a huge muscular soldier the same one from earlier ... " Back for more already Blondie ? "  I uncleanch my jaw and stand up . " State your business soldier " , " Oh nothing much , you know it's very dangerous for a pretty lady like you to be alone here in a gym full of hungry soldiers " . I sigh and put my hands on my hips . " Well soldier " I say in a low voice  " Each one of these men know not to touch me because they don't want themselves to get killed " , " Is that a challenge pumpkin? " he asks looking down on me as he gets into my face . " Because I bet you'd fail " he says . " Just like your daddy's condom " I reply narrowing my eyes . I see his shoulders tense . " You're pretty cocky right now baby you wern't earlier " we start walking in a circle " Tell you what baby girl you win I leave you alone , I win ... Well let's just say I get what I've been wanting for a long time "    He throws a punch I duck grab his fist and shove it back .  Adrenaline pumps through my veins . I stop another fist with my forearm . I stand in the standard fighting position my senses alert and I'm light on my feet I keep blocking his shots . " Your all defense baby girl , your daddy never told you to fight ? " he asks . " No " I say punching him in the nose " But my brother did " I jump high in the air and kick him across the face with a spinning hook kick . He falls onto the floor curling up in a ball in pain and just then the elevator bings the door slides open and as I look over I see my brother. And by the expression on his face I can tell he's upset . He walks over to me speedily " What on earth is going on here " he demands . " He - he was hitting on me " . I say suddenly nervous shortness of breath I rest my hands on my knees the reality of what consequences I might face has only hit me now , shoot - . " Its true sir " the brown eyed boy says " He was making madam Clara uncomfortable and she just defended herself " . Warner looks at me and then to the rest of the crowd . " Is this true ? " he asks the audience I didn't realise was watching me . They all nodd mechanically . " Well then , you are all dismissed . Madam Clara my office . " Warner starts walking to the direction of the elevator I jog after him . Mouth " thank you " , to the lovely brown eyed soldier and blow him a kiss before I step into the elevator. 

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