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A flashback from Clara's past ( Aaron was 14 and Clara was 11 )

I wake up to a loud thud of thunder and a huge lightning bolt . I grab my sheets and try to steady my heart rate . The wind whirls loudly and my windows slam open and shut . I yank my cover over my head . I'm to scared to close it . I hear soft footsteps enter my bedroom . They close my windows and carefully take the sheets from my face . It's Aaron "Hey baby sis " he says gently wiping the stray tear from the apple of my cheek . I'm still not used to his deeper voice , it's cool I guess , but it kinda freaks me out too " Are you okay ? " . I nodd . " Its just a thunderstorm it should pass any minute now " . I climb out of my sheets and sit on Aarons lap . He tilts my head toward his chest and holds me as the storm passes by caressing my hair .
" Aaron "
" Yes Clara ? "
" Dad isn't home right , he won't hurt you if he sees you with me "
I hear Aaron's breathing change he's silent for long . He then exhales .
" He isn't home , no . I honestly don't know if he's coming home tonight "
"Oh " I say
" Yeah " he replies . Holding me slowly rocking be back and forth while looking out the window . The trees bending far more than they should .

And that was the first of many natural disasters when the Reeistablishment started with thier experiments . I used to be terrified of natural disasters tornadoes , hurricanes , thunderstorms anything that could cause destruction . And Anderson would yell at me for being scared . Tonight it is pouring outside and the thunder is bright and fearsome " Clara ? " I come back to the present and look to Anderson . With a look that says I'm listening . " Have you found anything " . I play with the mashed potatoes and peas in my plate and shake my head . " No , no I haven't " I sigh . He sits back in his chair and crosses his ankle on top of his knee . " You have nothing more to say ? " . I shake my head once again not meeting his eye . " Are you not scared those fools are hurting your brother or something ? " . This time I look to him my ocean blue eyes staring into his aquamarine ones . " Aaron is strong enough to handle whatever they throw his way . He'll be fine " Anderson looks amused as he stares at me . But to my surprise he changes the subject as he sits forward in his chair again . Indulging in his food as he takes a sip from a clear liquid in a glass . That I know isn't water and it makes me sick . " You haven't taken a bit of food Clara , are you not enjoying your meal ? "
" And why do you care ? " I ask dropping my fork as it hits the glass
" You know Clara,  I was actually thinking of not giving you anything for your sweet 16 , but I changed my mind " . And he smiles that sick drunk smile of his
I swallow back the urge not to kill him with my fork . I forgot ... today is my birthday .
" Private DeWitt , would you please give me and Madam Warner a minute after dinner ? "
Xander visibly stiffens but still stares straight ahead .
" Sir , I was instructed to not leave Madam Warner out of my sight by Mr Warner,  sir . " Well soldier,  she won't be out of your sight. I simply want to give her her birthday gift by my quarters . You may wait outside if you must "
Anderson sounds so sincere and genuine,  he's a monster . Xander looks to me and I just nodd . He then nodds to Anderson
" Of course sir , but I will then wait outside for Madam Warner "
Anderson then smiles at me

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