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My vision blurs in and out of focus , I turn to my side only to realise it wasn't a nightmare . I'm not in my own bedroom , it's not Aaron's bedroom . No bedroom in sector 45 . I sit upright , I'm still in my clothes I don't know how long I was out for . I put my feet to the ground and stand up and stumble to the side . I put my hand against the cold metal wall to support the sudden wave of nausea and dizziness . I stumble forward and I realise I'm not dizzy . The ground is moving , even the bed shifts ever so slightly to the side . The room is a metal cube with a bed in the centre . The door has a wheel to open the room . It can't be .
I rush to yank the door open and step outside . A strong wind knocks me off of my feet back into the room onto the floor . I get back to my feet and step outside.  Push against the strong cold wind breaking through bone and marrow . I see light grey sky packed with the light drizzle . I grab a hold of the railing and look down . Blue grey mass of water everywhere . No sign of land anywhere . I'm on a ship in the middle of the ocean . I look around I feel the heavy lullabies of the water under my feet and anxiety grabs hold of my heart . I put my head on my arm holding onto the railing and try to breathe . I look up and see a black blur approaching me . The figure comes closer and soon splits into two . Two heavily built men dressed in all black .
Suppreme soldiers .
" Madam Warner ? " they say their voices stern " We are here to escort - "
I yell hysterically . I might just loose my mind right here . I grab one of their shirts
" Where am I ! " I cough out
They don't awnser " Talk ! " I shout jerking the soldier back and fourth .
" Madam c- " I box him in the face . " Dont tell me to calm down ! " I yell my throat sore boxing him but each punch growing weaker . The other slaps me across my face and plants his knee into my diagram and I fall to the ground . Coughing up blood on the floor . Gasping for air . The other picks me up and presses me against the wall squeezing my esophagus closed .
" You will behave now Clara Warner "
He says looking me straight in the eye pressing a gun to my forehead . I frown to look up and he presses it deeper into my skull , I squeeze my eyes shut . Tears fall down my face without permission . I nodd once

I get kicked onto the floor my hands tied to my back duct tape stuck to my mouth .
" Why is it always such a struggle to get you to co-operate Clara ? "
I shoot my head up into the direction of the voice and feel a vein jump in my forehead . Anderson
He kidnapped me .
That's it . I shuffle my legs into a straight line and shoot through a middle split to put my feet on the rope and yank my hands free . I feel the rope burn my hand but at least it's free . I jump to my feet and charge to Anderson ripping the duct tape from my mouth . I push him against the wall and press my thumbs into his throat .
" I've had enough ! " I shout slamming his head into the wall . I wrap my leg under his and jerk him to the ground . I quickly turn him to the ground close to the fireplace with a burning fire . He starts sweating from the heat and squirms under me . I see something combined with disturbance and excitement in his eyes . Until I yank a gun out of my pocket and press the cold metal to his forehead . He laughs .
" DeWitt take care of this "
DeWitt ? I drop everything without intending to . I look to the door and see Xander slowly striding through the door an evil grin fixed on his mouth . I collapse off of Anderson to my knees letting my bum sink to the ground . I watch Xander help my father off of the floor and stand next to him proudly . Anderson clicks his tounge .
" Rule number one Clara " he says but it's not Anderson . It's Xander my heart shatters with every step he takes closer to me . He drops to the ground to sit on his calves.  Looks me dead in the eye " Never fall in Love " he says closing my mouth by putting my jaw back to place .
" I thought you'd at least lean one thing from your father , but it seems like both you and your brother forgot that lesson . " he stands up and takes his place next to my father.  I'm numb , to numb to react to think . I'm numb frozen on the ground like a salt pillar. 
" Look where it's got both of you weak and broken hearted " Anderson says
" I spared DeWitt's life because I like him , he's like the son I needed . And the daughter I never asked for " Anderson spits .
" Get off of the floor Clara " Xander says disgusted . I look up at him and inhale so deeply my chest heaves up and down . I just stare at him blankly . I want nothing more than to wake up from this terrible nightmare .

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