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"Yes ? "
"Why aren't you dressed yet " Anderson asks
" What do you want "
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair "I have a job for you , I need you to interrogate the bastards stealing from your pathetic brother's storage compounds . "
I frown "And what if I don't want to " I say tilting my head
" Well my girl " Anderson says taking a gun and shining it with his blazer " Then none of you will make it out alive "
I want to scream " I'll be down in an hour" I say emotionless . He shuts my door and I shrug falling backwards onto my bed .
I take off the bandage around the upper half of my body , the feeling of the bandage coming off of my body makes me so nauseous . I put on cargos a black spandex top and gloves . I braid my hair on both sides and head to the interrogation room.

I open the door and find a middle aged man , a guy with curly afro I believe his name is Emory  and that guy from omega point . Brendan . The three of them are seated and cuffed to their chairs .
" Morning gentleman " I nodd at them and slip the leather gloves on my hands . I take a gun from the holster sitting low on my hips and place it on the table . My eyes meet theirs. 
" You might be wondering why we brought you here ," I start pacing the length of the room with my hands clasped behind my back .
The middle aged man cracks and speaks " What do you want from us ? "
I look over to him " Mr. Winston I believe you know that awnser don't you ? "
He goes pale " How do you know my name "
I stop my pace and take my time to look at all three of them .
" I know all of your names , and I know you have been stealing from our storage compounds ."  I tilt my head " You have anything to say about that ? " I take my time picking up my gun from the table and feel their heavy gazes on me . Emory swallows he is trembling . I sit down on the table . " I should punish you all , you must know what punishments might be coming , but I'm willing to negotiate " I look to Brendan .
" If you are willing co-operate , I'll let you all go unharmed . So , tell me where Omega Point is "
Brendan speaks for the first time " You know where it is why do you want it from us "
Fear spikes through me , there are cameras in here Anderson could be watching . My fear quickly turns into anger and I feel a vein jump in my forehead . I slam the table with both my hands .
" Tell me where it is ! "
" We can't tell you , we made an oath to never give away the location ! " Emory yells this and you can see he is intimmadated , but not scared enough . I grab my gun and tilt his head up with the tip .
" You are playing with life or death , are you sure you want to keep that oath ? "
The room goes silent and all of their eyes dart to the door . I turn my head and see Anderson in the doorway .
" Oh Clara , why do you hesitate ? " and with that he fires three bullets in Emory's chest and blood is seeping through his shirt and I have splatters of blood on my uniform . I'm shaken to see him kill somebody so inhumanly .
" Drop the gun Clara " he says and I do so " Now , I will give the two of you another chance to talk "
The two of them stay silent
" I see how this will go " Anderson says " Clara , let's help these gentlemen give us the right awnser ."

I speedwalk out of the torture chamber , to the bathroom . I throw up the contents from last night . I saw some disgusting stuff and I can't get the tortured screams and Anderson just laughing out of my head . I'm coverd on blood my knuckles are bruised . I hear another tortured scream on my way out of the bathroom and run as far away as I can . I bump into Xander a sudden dizziness hits me and he steadies me with his arms .
" Clara " his voice is so soft , so so tender . He pulls me into a dark corner . The darkness . Our bodies are only inches away . I can almost count every freckle on his nose
" What happend "  his hands are moving up and down my arms warming me up . I can't even focus on anything else , because his hands warm and persuasive have cupped my face . His thumb is caressing the apple of my cheek . I don't know why he would want to touch me . I'm coverd in blood .

"Xander " a broken whisper from me . I use every ounce of self control and pull away from his embrace . There is nothing more I'd love than to be held by him , but I can't make the same mistake my mom made . Not now , not ever .


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