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" I have had enough Clara ! " he shouts and fires the gun and I see all of it happening in slow motion but it's not the bullet going for my forehead . Xander kicked the gun out of Andersons hand as he fired and I see the bullet fly across the side of my face hitting the wall . Xander has pinned Anderson on the ground choking him with his arm . Warner comes running around the corner . " What the hell is going on here !" He looks over at me in the corner and then the gun on the floor . He picks it up locking eyes with Xander and not breaking eye contact until he picks up the gun . " Stand down soldier " , Anderson let out a final choke and he's now unconscious . Xander slowly stands up from the floor and I run to my brother . He hugs me tightly holding the back of my head in one hand and his crippled arm between us . He cups my face with his one hand " My word Clara are you okay ? " , I nodd but then as the reality hits that my own father tried to kill me I start shaking my head bursting into tears

Aaron calls some soldiers to take my father to his room . And he keeps holding onto me " I'm so sorry Clara " .
"No it's fine " I say my voice barely clear  , I suddenly feel very lightheaded and stumble backward somebody has caught me , my eyes opening in and out of focus and  then darkness overshadows me .

I wake up on a hard memory foam single bed , lightweight blanket covering my body . I rub my eyes and get up on my elbows and realise my shoulders aren't coverd I'm in a tank top and shorts . I sit up straight I can't see my eyes aren't focusing and nausea falls heavy on my body I grab the trash can next to me and throw up . The door opens and it's the doctor he smiles at me  , " Good day Madam Warner , how are you feeling ?"
  " Terrible thanks for asking "
The door opens a blonde neatly dressed figure  walks up to my bed and places a hand on my forehead it's either Anderson or Aaron
"There is the toughest baby sister in the world "
" Hi Aaron " , I try forcing a smile I'm very relived it's him
" Are you okay ? " he asks
" I - I don't know , Aaron I can't see " I whisper
His figure stiffens
The doctor rushes over to my bed , " What was that madam Warner,  can you not see ? "
" No , nothing is focusing " I say scared " You - You don't think my illness is coming back ? "
"Clara don't say that " , Aaron says his voice stern but shaky
" I'm afraid it might be so Madam Warner "
I gasp , I feel nauseous again and grab the bucket . After wiping the contents off of my mouth I'm to shocked to react . I just sit there .

" I have some good news though , well sort of . After I ran some tests I noticed that you are releasing a lot of oxytocin madam Warner , and that might help us with a cure or to see the cause . But other than that I have those glasses we designed for you to not go blind . "

I take the rather stylish glasses from him and put it on my face . " Oh wow this is much better " I say getting my vision back and smiling at Warner . He smiles back but I see that heaviness he had when I was a child too . I was about 12 when Mommy started getting sick . I always used to wear very thick lense glasses as a child because I was busy losing my eyesight . Luckily we found these special glasses that prevented me going blind and my sickness eventually vanished when the Reistablishment took over and both me and Warner were put into leadership positions . I later on discovered that I have a superpower.  The only way I can explain it is that I can see powers . For instance I can sense Warners strong emotions by colour so if he's angry I see red . When he's jealous I see green and so on

Xander comes inside and my heart rate speeds up and you can see and hear it on the screen . Aaron and the doctor both share glances at each other . Thinking the same thing and I know what they are thinking . I bury my face in the cover

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