ch. 23

241 22 6

March 28th
5:36 am

A bunch of bright ass lights was cut on making me so mad.

"Sorry guys but Mr Alsina, we need to change your fluid bag, and we have some pills for you here okay?"

"August wake up" I said getting off the bed with him moving out the way

After August talked me into staying with him I called and asked Nai if it was cool. She proceeded to make jokes about me about to get dicked down in a hospital, with her freak ass! Once she told me she planned on leaving my house tomorrow night around 8 at night told me it was cool. Apparently her boo Sean was picking her up for a date, I definitely want to be there to try to see what his vibe is.

"Ok you should be good for the rest of the night, just ring us if anything" she smiled and left out

Chile if these people come in this room one more time. This my first time ever staying in a hospital since giving birth. I luckily forgot how much they come in your room.

"Shit I'm ready to go home" August said yawning I guess them pills was kicking in.

"When did they say?" I asked

"They didn't but hopefully tomorrow or I'm leaving my damn self discharged or not" he said with each word getting lower before I knew it my boy was knocked out.

I made a mental note to tell him to ask them about that, that was fast as hell for that medicine to kick in like that.

Laying down in the bed they brung in for me. I did my best to get comfortable and was out just like him.


"Trav was the one who reminded me about it since you wasn't answering your calls"

"Damn I'm just lucky you knew to ask about switching the phone over instead of just getting me a new one" I heard August laugh

"Boy what the hell you trying to say trying to call me old or something" it sounded like his mom

Feeling around for my phone when I didn't find it. I sat up and seen August and his mama talking.

"Hi," I spoke standing up seeing my phone on August bed side table.

"Good Morning Ja'liyah" his mama spoke

"Good morning how are you doing" I said stretching

After speaking I went into the bathroom and washed my face the best I could and used one of the toothbrushes provided. I officially hate hospitals and think today will be my last day in this one for a minute hopefully he will be discharged soon and we can chill when he's back on his feet.

I already know I have orders to catch up on, I'm not behind but I like to ship orders out as soon as I can for the people. Plus I miss my child, and truth be told I am not August lady so I just want to fall back some.

Walking out the bathroom, I walked back in the room to find India in his lap hugging him telling him she's so happy he was ok. See this was exactly what I mean, but it's cool because what? he's not my nigga just a friend.

Walking over the the table I grabbed my phone not even making eye contact with either of them. They were done hugging but yet she was still in his lap and he didn't try to get her to move "I can't believe you scared everybody like that Ant!" she said to him

Perfect Strangers • August AlsinaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang