ch. 36

185 20 17

April 16th

For some reason August was still in my house. As I was finishing my training and I was on the last module. I can't wait to get him. The more and more I think about it I just don't want him in that strange place. Can you imagine being only 4 and going from being with your mom next thing you know you surrounded by people you don't know?

Mr Clark said he was still in  the group home instead of with a family in a foster home. I grew up without any type of blood family so to me how I grew up was normal. It's not for him.

When I first found out about him I and told everyone I was leaving for Detroit, Clark told me to pump my brakes basically and told me all of the things I had to get done and the 6 steps of adoption.

He sent me a list of everything that was a must:

Be at least 18 years old.
Complete an application for a license.
Complete background checks.
Provide medical statements.
Have a completed home study.
Provide three references.
Attend relevant training.

I have to send in my 3 references of course it just had to be something with that I couldn't use both Sade and Trent. So I was now sitting here chewing on the ink pen with my laptop in my lap thinking of what to do.

"Just use me as the last Reference?" August asked sitting next to me

I told him to leave already right now I don't have time to focus on him anymore.

"No thank you August," I said seriously

"And why not?" He asked

"August we not cool, and I'm done with trying with you on my child I am"

"Don't say that shit Ja, I fucked up ma I should've never left that night. I was just talking shit pissed off but ima fix shit" he grabbed my chin making me face him looking at his handsome face I just looked at him it was all I could do.

"I'm good on you August, I tried and I realized you told me what now three times you didn't want a relationship? I got the picture now"

"I also said ima try mama, and I have been, this shit I'm dealing with just bring out the worst in me, na I'm not makin excuses but Ja shit let me try"

"Where did you go when you left my house? And what was the shit you said 'If I walk out this door that's it' huh?" I reminded him

"Baby I was just talking shit, I forgot you so sensitive" he tried to joke but wasn't shit funny to me

When he peeped I wasn't about to laugh with him he sighed

"August I can't talk about this right now honestly so you can leave for real come on now" picking up my laptop

I have to do something about this reference shit it's ridiculous I can't even come up with 3.

"Alright ima leave you alone and I'm sorry Ja just so that you know ok. I should've never played in yo face at the party with her but that's all it was." Standing up he walked to the door

"And as yo friend Ja you really can use me as a reference I have a clean record and multiple legal businesses." Watching him walk out the door I sighed and did the only thing I could

I typed August name as my last reference.

Picking up my phone I went to FaceTime and hit the last name I thought I would be calling

Picking up my phone I went to FaceTime and hit the last name I thought I would be calling

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Perfect Strangers • August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now