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Shubman took the hammer in his hand and shattered his own heart of glass with it along with Ishan's as he said the words he didn't truly mean , the words that he knew would be enough to drive Ishan away , away from him .

" Stop being so fucking clingy Kishan . Sara is my best friend , not you , never you .

It's not my fault you're this attached to me . What are you my lover ? , newsflash you aren't and you never will be "

Ishan flinched , visibly and Shubman felt like a thousand arrows had pierced his heart as he saw Ishan's hurt .

Such was the effect they both had on each other , their souls were always destined for each other , destiny interwined , but alas they failed to notice it . Pulling apart and separating their strings of fate that were once together interwoven .

They were hurting each other , and hurting themselves because the world hurt them first . The world taught them that their love was wrong , that it was disgusting , that it wasn't true . It erased the thought from their minds that such a love could exist . Don't blame Ishan , don't blame Shubman , blame the world , blame the fking society ...............

or you could blame Shubman cause he's being pretty stupid right now. Your choice .

Shubman was terrified , why ?
Because there was no emotion on Ishan's face , none at all . His voice held coldness and his words were ice shards .

" You are correct Gill , it is my fault . Well not to worry I won't be making the same mistake again. "

He took a deep breath and continued " go to your Sara , stay with her ,Marry her, die for her , die with her . I don't care , I won't even attend your funeral ."

He pushed open the door and walked out slamming the door behind him . He ignored a tensed Hardik who was standing outside and practically ran to his room struggling to contain his tears .

He locked the door , so that Gill wouldn't enter and cried . He cried his heart out , for the pain he was going through.

Do you know that feeling when you don't care what the world says except for that one person whose words matter. Whose words can make your day or ruin them .

Ishan's day was'nt ruined , without Shubman his life was .

When there were no tears left to cry , when his heart was too exhausted to feel anymore , when his emotions shut down with that Microsoft windows shut down wala sound and when he couldn't think because his brain said error 505 ishan.exe has stopped responding , he took out his phone and blocked Shubman Gill .

He packed his bags and and dragged his luggage across the hall to Shreyas' s room .

No more Shubman Gill , he was done for good .
He promised himself to forget about Gill .

Spoiler alert : he couldn't


Hardik stormed into the room , anger evident on his face . He dragged Shubman by his collar and raised a fist to punch him .

But one look at the boy with tears streaming down his face , guilt and regret painted onto every inch of the canvas of his face , along with the fact that the boy didn't even try to stop him made Hardik lower his hand and leave his collar .

Shubman didn't even noticed , his mind was to cloudy to process anything .

Hardik spoke voice dripping with venom " Ishan deserves to be around better people then you "

The Ramblings of an Insomniac - Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan Where stories live. Discover now