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This chapter is dedicated to itsmeadithy and Lilac_koo.
Ye lo Aaj ka chapter and all my love 🥰🥰

" Bhaiya can I miss this flight ."

"WHAT ! "

"Bhai can I miss this flight "

" No no I heard you the first time , but why ? " .

" I need fix it ".

" Fix what ? "

" My life , duh "

" Huh ? " Hardik was confused now .

Shubman rolled his eyes with exasperation

" Look Bhai , I fcked up badly with Ishan . You know it , and so do I . But I can't live without him , I just cannot so I need to make things right with him .

Look out match is next week , and tommorow after reaching no practice is going to be there as it is rest day . So what I m trying to say is let me miss the flight today , and go back to pacify Ishan . I ll book a flight and come to the team tommorow.

Please please please please "

Shubman was almost on his knees begging by the end of his explanation .

Hardik simple rolled his eyes

" Kids these days , only knowing how to waste money . You wouldn't have to do this if you didn't decide to be stupid in the first place , or if you had sorted out this issue when you met each other on the terrace .BUT NO ! You decided to act like fcking kids and ignore each other like bloody kindergardners to with no regards for you seniors who have to tolerate the both of you "
A rant , would be apt decided Hardik .

Shubman stood their silently as Harry glared at him with fake anger .

" What are you staring at my face Gill , GO ! Otherwise you ll miss the flight and not be able to beg for forgiveness from Ishan . GO GO GOOOO ! "

Shubman as if renewed with energy from a 1000 energy drinks , took his bag and dashed out of the airport ignoring the expressions of the rest of his team who were unaware of what he was doing , ignoring the stares of the passerby and ignoring the clicks and flashes of cameras from the media .

He ignored everything and everyone because at that moment nothing else mattered , except Ishan . Only Ishan . His Ishan .


He screamed but no one stopped , guess that only worked in movies . He sighed and pulled out his phone to book an Ola or uber .

Well this was anticlimactic .


Ishan awoke from his sleep due to some lunatic knocking on the door at bloody 5 in the morning .

He opened the door to be greeted by a breathless , panting Shubman Gill . It was clear the man had climbed the stairs up to the the hotel room in a hurry .

Ishan panicked. He slammed the door on his face .

Why ? Why ? Had Shubman come now . This couldn't be real , it couldn't possibly be real .

The irony is that for days he had hoped this would happen but now when it was finally happening he didn't have the courage to face Shubman.

The knocking on the door persisted , you could hear it almost getting desperate.

" Ishan , please just listen to me . Just listen to me this once " Shubman begged .

Ishan steeled his nerves and made up his mind not to be persuaded too easily .

The Ramblings of an Insomniac - Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan Where stories live. Discover now