Chapter 2 - "We are faeries fated to die."

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The next day, Evette remerged around noon. They had presented her with many heavy dresses - dresses she knew would suffocate her and trap her. It took her a very long time to find one that was at all to her liking - this one was a deep red dress that was in the style of her home. It was loose and breathable for her skin.

When she emerged she was quickly found by Tamlin. "You sure took your time." He mused to her.

"I was disturbed from my sleep twice last night." Evette spoke with a small shrug. "I suppose you wish to talk now, then? Lead the way." She gestured vaguely with her hands, and she followed behind him once more until they were in the same room as last time, and she found Lucien was already there.

She sat down and looked between them both slowly and expectantly. "What exactly was that last night?" Evette asked them both. "There is danger here? Who did that to him?" She questioned them both.

"If we answer your questions, will you answer ours?" Tamlin asked her.

"Yes." Evette replied with a nod.

And so, they both explained to her about how a general of the King of Hybern had come and completely overtaken their land - that she controlled everything and called herself High Queen. They explained that she had cursed Tamlin, and that soon all of Prythian would be enslaved to her if the human didn't fall in love with him of her own accord. They then told her she terrorised all who opposed her.

They explained every detail to her.

And then it was her turn to answer their questions.

"Why were you headed to the human lands?" Tamlin asked her and Evette sipped on the water they had given her. "Especially when they are a danger to you as much as to us. Those few that know of your kind...they know how to sniff you out." This was something Evette did not know.

"My cousin was sending me for my safety, and for the Fae's safety." Evette replied. "He sent me, promising to find me once things died down back home."

"How? Why?" Lucien asked.

"Which part are you inquiring?" Evette asked him with a raised brow.


"Well, urm, I'm the Princess and Heir to The White Queen." Evette replied. "My aunt set up a coup to overthrow my mother. My aunt would either kill me, or use me for her reign of Angevin. My aunt...she loathes the peace between us and Hybern because of what they did to us in the past. If she gets her hands on me and crowns me as the second Queen - taking her title as The Black Queen," she paused. "It won't be the best for the Fae."

"You're the Princess of the Fey?" Tamlin asked, and she saw his eyes widen. "Are we meant to call you by a title?"

"No. You are Fae, not Fey." Evette reminded them. "It is seen as disrespectful if you do."

"Will you be safe in the human lands?" Tamlin asked her.

"Not really." Evette replied with a slight frown. "But it is the only place I can go to be away from my aunt if she succeeds in her coup. She will look there first, obviously, as I am half human." She looked to Lucien. "That is why I smell like a human. My father was a human." She looked back to Tamlin. "But the human lands are quite large. I may be able to evade her for a long while. And my brothers will be sure to warn me, I'm sure."

"You could stay here until you know it's safe to return - until they find you again." Tamlin offered her, making her eyes widen in shock. "You helped that Fae last night. You took his pain from him and he died feeling no pain but his emotional - he would've died in agony were it not for you. If you can do something kind for him, I'll repay you for him by doing this. I'll keep you safe here from your aunt."

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