Chapter 7 - "It is fine now...water under the bridge?"

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Evette disliked that she had to bring Cassian and Azriel with her to see her family - Rhys had gone off with Feyre for something. Elain and Nesta had allowed her to use a horse to get to where her father lived - and they had just left to deliver the letter. Evette was readying the horse when Cassian and Azriel joined her. "So, how far is it?" Cassian asked her.

"Not far." She replied as she secured the saddle. "Oh, and, urm, once we get about twenty minutes past the village, you can fly lower. The land we enter at that point belongs to my father, who...doesn't mind faeries." She faced them. "Don't lose me...because I'm not going back to find you if you do."

"Understood." Cassian nodded, as Evette moved to climb onto the horse, adjusting her dress as she did so.

At this moment, Rhys winnowed back to them and explained he'd be at the Archeron's as Feyre felt she could focus better without him there. Evette didn't say anything, she simply got moving and didn't look back to see if they were following. Not long after, she had the horse in a canter as she rode along.

They reached there within hour and a half, and Evette tied her horse and secured the horse near the Du Pont stables. She let out a small breath as she made her way to the front door, just as the two of them followed behind her, retracting and folding in their wings as they did. Evette rang the bell and waited.

The door was opened after a few moments and Evette found that Allegra - her younger half-sister was stood there. "Evette?" Allegra breathed, her eyes wide as she took her in with searching eyes. "You're alive!" Allegra moved forward and pulled Evette into a hug, which Evette returned. "You've changed...your hairs brown now. It's better."

"And yours isn't" Evette replied as they pulled from one another. Allegra's eyes landed on the two men stood behind her. "These are...acquaintances of mine. Could we come in?"

"Of course." Allegra nodded quickly, before she looked back to Evette. "Come in. I'll go find Ivo and father. They'll both be happy to see you." Allegra let them in and led them to the sitting room, when they were directed to some seats before Allegra went to grab her older half-brother and father.

Evette, Cassian, and Azriel all fit onto the sofa - Evette was slightly squeezed between the two but it wasn't enough to be uncomfortable for any of them. Though, the both of them shifted slightly because of their wings. "There's no servants." Cassian pointed out to her once they had finally gotten comfortable enough. "I'd have thought...I don't know...a human with a house this big...he'd have servants."

"He stopped." Evette replied. "A small incident years ago."

"What type of incident?" Cassian asked her.

"Does it really matter?" Evette replied bluntly.

"The type of incident that almost got my faerie daughter killed." Her father replied as he entered the room, with Ivo and Allegra. They all sat opposite them, and Evette smiled tightly.

"They didn't need to know that." Evette mused. "It's not relevant to them."

Her father simply looked at her - and Evette was a little shocked at how much older he looked. "Evette...look at you." Her father said softly. "Last I saw were a child. And're a beautiful woman. You look like your grandmother." He smiled softly, and regret and sadness rushed from him.

She knew he meant his mother at that. Evette lifted her hand and adjusted the Siphon around her neck uncomfortably. She simply smiled at him. "I'm glad you're okay though. You gave us all quite a scare." Her father began. "Disappearing like that. After such a situation, too. Your brothers were incredibly worried...especially when they saw your - "

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