Chapter 12 - "Does it change anything?"

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The human Queen's had gotten back to them and were willing to meet with them, and Rhys had told her she should come along with them this time simply for her presence. Simply because her being there showed the human Queen's that the Fey of Angevin stood with them. His only request was that she look the part.

Like a Princess of the Fey - meaning she had to dress formally and had to switch the dresses she was used to for something more formal. And she had to wear her tiara that symbolised her royal title in Angevin. She disliked this a little - she never wore her tiara. Even at home.

But she understood why he wished for it to be there.

So, Evette wore a beige gown that had flowers stitched delicately into the bodice and skirts of it - the bodice being intricately decorated by white and red amaryllis', pink begonia's, and purple borage's, while the skirts' decoration was more randomly spaced. Her sleeves were off the shoulder - they were puffy mesh and went from her wrists to her elbows. The dress had a invisible slit up it so she was able to climb on a horse if needed.

Her hair was normally styled and upon her head she wore a bejewelled tiara. It sat comfortably over her head and had a healthy amount of sapphires and diamonds over it. The very part of the tiara that sat upon her head had the decoration of tiny roses - though you could only see it if you looked closely.

And around her neck she wore her Siphon necklace.

When they arrived at the estate, Evette entered the Archeron home, and she brushed her hands over her hair. Cassian, who had carried her over, only stared at her baffled. "You actually look like a's so weird." He told her.

"I don't know whether you're insulting me or not." Evette mused to the man.

"You look ravishing, your highness." Cassian replied, and she gave him a look disliking the title coming from him. "That better?"

"No." She replied before she continued on. As she did she saw that her sister was stood with Elain and Nesta - her sister wore a deep emerald gown. Evette and Allegra gave each other smiles, before they all moved to wait for the queen's to arrive. As Evette waited she stood leant against the wall as she picked at her nails.

Then, just a little late, did the queen's winnow into the room, making Evette look up in interest.

The human queens were of varying age, colouring, height, and temperament. The oldest of them wore an embroidered wool dress that was a deep blue - she had deep brown skin and her eyes were sharp and cold, wrinkles carved into the skin of her face. There was two who looked to be middle aged, and they were opposites of one another.

Polar opposites: one light and one dark, one with a sweet face and the other with a face hewn from granite, one smiling and the other frowning. They wore gowns of black and white - and moved within question and answer of the other. They kind of reminded Evette of her mother and her aunt.

And then there were the youngest two queens. One was around the same age as Evette - she had dark hair and dark eyes, and cunning oozed from her as she looked around the room. Evette would've thought she may have been Fey if not for the smell of her. And the other was the prettiest of the bunch - she had golden curly hair, and she had deep amber eyes. Her brown skin gave an illusion of being dusted with gold.

"Well met." Rhys spoke as the queens still scanned everyone. Evette didn't miss the way the golden queen gave a nod to the guards, who moved to take positions at the walls and doors, which was her cue to move and stand with Mor. The queens and guards watching her every move as she did.

Rhys stepped forwards, causing each queen to suck in a breath, and the guards all rested their hands upon the hilts of their broadswords. Evette scoffed under her breath at the action, and Mor nudged her gently.

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