Chapter 6 - "And when were you going to tell me this?"

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Finally, they were at the door and Rhys knocked on it. They were waiting just a few moments before the door was opened by Feyre. "You'd think they'd been told plague had befallen the house." He mused as his brows lifted, as Feyre opened the door wider. Once they were all inside she closed the door.

"My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles." Feyre explained as to how all of the servants had disappeared.

Cassian let out a low whistle as he took in the entry hall they were all stood in - taking in the ornate furniture, and the paintings. "Your father must be a fine merchant." Cassian told her. "I've seen castles with less wealth."

"My father is away on business - and attending a meeting in Neva about the threat of Prythian." Feyre replied.

"Prythian?" Cassian faced her. "Not Hybern?"

"It's possible my sisters were mistaken - your lands are foreign to them." Feyre explained as Evette pushed her cloak's hood down from her face. "They merely said 'above the wall'. I assumed they thought it was Prythian."

Azriel was so silent as he moved forwards that even she didn't hear him move. That creeped her out - especially since her hearing was great. "If humans are aware of the threat, rallying against it, then that might give us an advantage when contacting the queens."

"Come." Rhys said as he nodded his head at Feyre to lead the way further into the estate. "Let's make this introduction."

When they entered the room the humans were waiting for them in, Feyre crossed the room first as Evette and the others remained a step behind her. And slowly, the two human women took in each of them, and Evette wondered when they'd wrap things up here already so she could see her family that, luckily, didn't live too far away from here.

One of the women stepped in front of the other protectively, a fist behind her gown as she did. Evette tried not to look amused at the action, and felt that she may have not succeeded as much as she had hoped as Cassian elbowed her in the ribs, hard.

"My sisters, Nesta and Elain Archeron." Feyre introduced them, and Evette heard their hearts racing. And was able to see their terror and fear swirling around them elegantly. Feyre inclined her head to the left. "Cassian." She inclined it to the right. "Azriel." She half turned. "Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. And Princess Evette of Angevin."

Both of the women looked at Evette, who stared back at them blankly, tilting her head ever so softly. "Thank you for your hospitality - and generosity." Rhys pulled their attention from Evette with a warm smile.

Elain tried to offer a smile back, but failed in doing so while Nesta looked through them all, her gaze cold. "The cook left dinner on the table. We should eat before it goes cold." She said before she strode off to sit at the head of the table.

"Nice to meet you." Elain managed to get out, and she looked to Evette and inclined her head in what she assumed to be some sort of show of respect. Elain then moved to take a seat at the table as well. Evette wrinkled her nose and supposed it was okay if the woman didn't know. Cassian was grimacing, and Rhys' brows had raised, and when Evette glanced at Azriel it looked as though he'd rather be anywhere else.

They all headed for the table, and Evette followed behind them slowly, wanting to get out of there. She just knew this was going to be a very tense meal - she resented such things, because she could always feel the awkwardness, which always amplified her own. Nesta stood at the head of the table, with Elain on her left and Feyre on her right. Cassian took a seat beside Elain, Rhys sat beside Feyre, and Azriel beside him.

Evette sat beside Cassian - and as she did she was hit by his wing as he tried adjusting them around the chair. "Watch where you put that thing!" Evette mumbled to him with a glare.

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