Chapter 3 - "How kind and gentlemanly of you."

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Lucien ended up finding them both not long after they had left the other man, and he had told her not to go too far from her spot before he rushed Feyre back to the Manor. Evette listened for a few moments and stayed in her spot, but then she remembered she wanted a drink, and went hunting for a drink.

After all, the other guy told her it was nowhere near, and she really was thirsty.

It took her, surprisingly, not too long to find them. On the way there, she became well aware of the many Fae that stared her way as if she were prey. As if they would pounce upon her within seconds - as if they were waiting for the opportune moment to do so. But she ignored them and moved forwards to grab herself a drink.

She had merely took a sip of her faerie wine when she felt him join her once more - she knew who it was without needing to look from the mere feel of the power and magic he possessed. But she also noticed how the second that he stood beside her, the other Fae that were eyeing her as if she were prey all turned the other way within milliseconds.

She found this was actually quite curious. So, she turned to look up at the dark haired man. "You shouldn't follow's creepy." Evette mused.

"Do mortals take pleasure in placing themselves in danger?" He asked her unimpressed. "It is not safe for human women here. And yet you decide to venture off by yourself. Do you not see the way they stare as if you are their next meal?" Evette didn't say anything to the man, she just looked at him. "Who are you?"

"Does it matter?" Evette asked him.

"It does." He replied. "You seem human...but something is off. Something I know I should know. On the off chance you are a faerie...a halfling, I know you are not of the Spring Court because you have no mask. And I have never seen you before. So, you're going to tell me exactly who you are!"

Evette took a long drink of her faerie wine. "How is it my fault you are morbidly paranoid?" Evette asked the man, and she knew it'd be best to stick with only replying in questions for now.

"Who are you?" He practically snarled. "What are you?"

"Who are you?" Evette replied the question back to him, narrowing her eyes at him as she did.

The man paused for a moment. "You don't know who I am?" He asked her slowly, his eyes calculating.

"Should I?" Evette scoffed as she finished her wine off.

The man stared at her in utter confusion - she could feel it oozing off of him and surrounding them both. "Are you truly mortal then?" He asked her, and from just this she knew he was able to feel her Fey magic that ran through her veins, and festered in her body. She was just glad he had said mortal, and not human.

"I am mortal." Evette replied. "Now, will you leave me be?"

The man left her without another word and she shook him off and moved to grab some more faerie wine. She was halfway through that one when Lucien found her, and Evette felt the annoyance he felt as he joined her. "I told you not to move." He told her unimpressed. " even drink that?" He asked her.

A small giggle left her lips without her permission. "Of course I can, Lucien." She spoke to him with a tone that clearly told him it was having some sort of effect on her.

"Clearly." Lucien sighed, and he held his hand out for the drink. "Give me the wine."

"No." Evette replied, smacking his hand away gently, before she moved to down the rest of the wine, some of it dribbling down the corner of her mouth and chin as she did. Evette placed the empty cup down and moved to wipe at her chin and Lucien gave her an annoyed look, and her only reply was an amused snort.

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