Chapter 4 - " a complex kingdom."

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Evette had been left alone in a vast room with the Illyrian's as Feyre and Rhys had left - he claimed he had to go get someone to help her understand what he was about to tell her. Evette was a little confused at where exactly she was - while entering this room out of the window she had glimpsed some sort of city.

But she shook that off and simply took a seat at the table. And she had taken to staring at Cassian and Azriel in utter silence.

Evette felt that they both looked very alike - as well as Rhys. They all looked very similar. They were all ridiculously attractive - as most Fae were. They were both dark haired, both had well defined bodies that was clear by just looking at them - with Cassian being the most defined and muscular. They each had tattoos over their arms, she spied, from just glimpses of the ink from the little skin of theirs she could see.

Though, out the two of them, Azriel was the most appealing and attractive - she wasn't exactly sure what it was about him. There was just...something about him. She supposed it was the shadows that seemed to crowd around him.

Or perhaps it was just because he was quiet and rarely spoke.

"Would you like us to stand and turn around? That way you can get better view." Cassian mused across the table to her. "You can admire us better that way, right?" Evette scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Are the three of you brothers?" Evette asked as she decided to be civil, like she had told Feyre she would be. Besides, she reminded herself that Cassian and Azriel had not done anything to her.

"In a sense." Cassian replied.

"What are the powers of a Fey?" Azriel asked, and she knew immediately this guy didn't trust or like her. Not even a little. She had to admit it amused her a little because it made it so obvious to her that he was quite obviously the Spymaster of the Night Court.

"Shouldn't you know that already?" Evette retorted. "You're old. And a spy. Probably old enough to have fought in the War - both of you. Your power certainly feels old."

"So you can sense and feel magic?" Azriel questioned her. "Is that a Fey thing? Or a Royal Fey thing? Or is it just an individual thing?" She knew he really didn't trust her.

"Is the fact that you Illyrian's hurt and harm women a choice, or just basic animalistic instinct?" Evette shot back at him, looking between them both coldly, raising a brow at them. Azriel's face was blank and she wasn't able to decipher anything from it, he only glared at her. But Cassian's expression hardened.

"If this is you playing really ought to rethink things over." Azriel stated. "I was simply asking general, curious questions."

"Oh, did I hit a nerve?" Evette pouted. "Any question coming from a spy's mouth is no generally curious question. I dislike fae prying into my people."

"Okay, clearly, Eris has told you some rather nasty lies." Cassian cut in between the two of them. "Illyrian' not harm women in the way he made us out to. And we - meaning Azriel and I - would never hurt a woman." Evette looked at them blankly. "How just form your own opinion of us without Eris' poisoned words in mind?"

Evette was sure that her opinion would not change, so she shrugged. "I suppose I could stomach doing such a thing." Evette replied. "But don't hold your breath for a changed opinion."

Within time, Rhys returned and while he wasn't alone, Feyre wasn't with him. Two familiar women were with him though. "Mor and Mag took her attention." Rhys informed her. "Though, I am sure you've already met these two. Just not by name, I suppose. This is Cerridwen and Nuala."

"The shadow wraiths." Evette breathed softly as she looked at the two women, and then she looked to Rhys. And then back to the shadow wraiths - she was so confused and her brain was whirring through so many thoughts at the same time that she didn't even care in that moment that she was alone with five people of the Night Court that held none of her trust.

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