Chapter 5 - "Clearly, you've never met a male Fey."

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Evette had been allowed to accompany them all in the war room - and Evette was only really half listening as she daydreamed a little. All she knew was that Cassian seemed to be arguing with Amren - which she had no interest in whatsoever. However, she was snapped from her daydreaming when two figures flew through the window and landed on the floor before them all.

Evette lifted her head and eyed Feyre in slight disgust, wrinkling her nose at the sight of the woman. Her face was bloody and scratched, and she was covered head to toe in dirt and grease. Her hair clung to her and she smelled...not great.

"You smell like a barbecue." Amren cringed, just as Cassian removed his hand from the knife strapped to his thigh.

"You kill her?" Cassian asked, as Feyre panted. Evette had to admit that she had forgotten who exactly the her in question was. But she pretended she knew.

"No." Rhys answered, as he folded his wings behind him. Evette didn't know since when he had had wings as well - she didn't question it though. She merely remained quiet and analysed the people around her. "But given how much the Weaver was screaming, I'm dying to know what Feyre darling did."

Feyre then vomited all over the floor, making Evette scrunch her face up in disgust.

Amren waved her hand, and it disappeared along with the filth over Feyre.

"She...detected me somehow." Feyre explained as she slumped against the table and she wiped her mouth on the shoulder of the leathers she wore. "And locked the doors and windows. So I had to climb out through the chimney. I got stuck. And when she tried to climb up, I threw a brick at her face."

It was quiet.

"And where were you?" Amren finally questioned Rhys.

"Waiting, far enough that she couldn't detect me." Rhys replied.

"I could have used some help." Feyre snarled at him.

"You survived." Rhys replied. "And found a way to help yourself."

"That's what this was about." Feyre spat, as Evette tried ignoring the emotions around her. "Not just this stupid ring." She slammed a ring onto the table. "Or my abilities. But if I can master my panic."

Cassian swore under his breath as his eyes were on the ring. Amren shook her head, and Magdelena let out a huff of a sigh. "Brutal, but effective." Rhys said simply. "Now you know. That you can use your abilities to hunt our objects, thus track the Book at the Summer Court, and master yourself."

"You're a prick, Rhysand." Cassian said softly.

"You'd do the same." Rhys pointed out, and the Illyrian's reply was a simple shrug. Evette found that it was not a denial.

Feyre looked to her still dirty hands - with her nails bloody, cracked, and cacked with dirt. She looked at Cassian. "I want you to teach me - how to fight. To get strong. If the offer to train still stands." Feyre glanced at Evette. "I was hoping...maybe the both of us could train with him."

Evette let out a scoff at this. "Evette is one person who does not need training." Cassian assured Feyre, and she knew that Cassian must be recalling when they had tried grabbing her at the Spring Court. "Anyways, you'll be calling me a prick pretty damn fast if we train. And I don't know anything about training humans - how breakable your bodies are. Were, I mean." He winced a little. "We'll figure it out."

"I don't want my only option to be running." Feyre told them.

"Running kept you alive today." Amren cut in.

"I want to know how to fight my way out." Feyre decided. "I don't want to have to wait on anyone to rescue me." Feyre then faced Rhys, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Well? Have I proved myself?"

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