40 - Procession?!

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Annnndd heeeerree we goooooooo! :D

Enjoy the hilarity and please vote, COMMENT, and absolutely, please, ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF THE CHAPTER! xD

Chapter 40 -

"So what happened to your arm?" Scarlett asks after we sat down. Mrs.Hartford had called us all to a room free of students, and that turned out to be room 204, one of the biology classrooms. Mrs.Crowe was sitting in her desk, flipping through a workbook, Mrs.Hartford sitting in a chair beside her, clipboard in hand. Oh yes, a reminder: Mrs.Crowe was the teacher whose classroom Sebastian had snuck through to head me off on Animal Day. He stopped to freaking FLIRT (with a damned TEACHER. EW.) while hanging on to me by the polo to keep me from escaping. Even though I hadn't even seen the inside of this room at that moment, anything to remind me of it pisses me off.

Also, Scarlett's damned question.

I put a hand over my arm and tuck it against my body, any way to hide the fucking thing! "Nothing." I mutter under my breath sourly. And by nothing, I mean some gorgeous, darkishly smexy, Greek God-looking, thunderbolt of an idiot decided to ravage me with a god damned Sharpie!!

Her grey-green eyes dart back and forth between Abel and I, who had decided to sit down beside me. I give her a red-faced glower (to tell her to butt the fuck out, of course) but she made the connection anyways(granted, she'd been giving us questioning looks since she'd found us in the library). She raised an eyebrow and gave me a little grin. Ohhh nooooooo no nono nono no. Do NOT get any ideas here Miss Bilger!! "Shut up!" I hiss out the side of my mouth.

Scarlett purses her lips, failing to hide her smile. "I never said a word."

"But you're thinking it." I snarl quietly, face reddening even more. Scarlett is bound and determined to think that Abel seems to have some kind of...interest in me. Which is about as possible as me growing a pair of double D boobs(which, by the way, would look ridiculous on my scrawny little frame). Abel was just being a typical, stupid, annoying, teenage boy who saw a writing utensil and decided to make his mark on something...which happened to be me. I glower down at the black scribbles on my arm and want to just take that damned sharpie to Abel's freaking smexy face!!

Now Abel, he's relaxing casually beside me, sitting all too damned close. Like his pajama pants are scuffing mine kind of close. If I could scoot my chair away I would, but Scarlett's in the way. He's talking to that light haired basketball player Justin Habbinger, who had given me a jerkish look on the first day of all of this damned Royalty crap. I'd noticed the slightly grim look he'd shot in my direction, and if Abel's cute curly head (shit, I really need to get a hold on my freaking hormonal thoughts!) wasn't in the way I'd give a scowl to haunt is damn nightmares!!

A fair amount of the Candidates and former Candidates are present, and I can't help but wonder what the hell this is all about. I'd ask Mrs.Hartford, but she looked more pole-up-her-butt than usual. The door opens up and Soo Jin, Desiree Hall, Quenby, Brendt Tubandt walk in, and then, EW, Sadie Cross and Nyssa follow behind.

Nyssa's wearing a pair of itty bitty little cotton butt shorts and a too-big slouchy sweat shirt that hangs off her bare shoulder. Her hair is pulled into two pig-tails and a massive, fluffy white bunny is cuddled in her thin grasp. Her eyes canvas the room and then find me. I give her a tight, 'Fuck you bitch' smile (because she failed at whatever her damned plan was, HA) and her returning glower just makes me want to get up and dance, because youuuu fucking faiiilllledd beeeyooottchh!!

She sits down near the the front of the room beside stick-thin Student Body President Samantha Wall and VP Dwayne VanLacker. I resist the urge to go up and ask her how her schemes-- I mean week's been going ehehe...

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