9 - Wants And Needs

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Heeyy, sorry its been awhile since I last updated, but I've been a lil busy and needed some time to actually write it well :) Enjoy!

Chapter 9:

Sebastian is smiling down at me, smugness permeating his each and every feature. His golden-tan eyes are just brimming with so much self satisfaction I'm not surprised he isn't crying and praising himself, the arrogant bastard.

I'm squished back into the far corner of my chair again, attempting to keep away from him. Ok, shit, maybe there is a brain under that stupidly gorgeous face. But I suppose it explains some things. He did sell his soul to the damned devil!!

Surprise, surprise. Shoulda known he's a Devil Spawn.

Glaring fiercely, I threw out a quote of my own, from The Tempest as well.

"Hell is empty, And all the devils are here." I snapped into his face, hoping he got my connection.

There's suddenly clapping, I look over and see Graham grinning at me and clapping like an idiot. "O here's a wit of cheveril, that stretches from an
inch narrow to an ell broad!"

Holy shit, I think my jaw just unhinged. Oh my god! Oh my fucking god!! This is the fucking Apocalypse!! Where are the zombies?! The world's gonna fucking end!!! How in shit's name does he know so much?!

He's still smiling at me like nothing's wrong, and Sebastian's laughing quietly. My face burning red because for once I have actually been kind of beaten out of knowledge, and I have no idea what the hell he just said. I sputter indignantly, "Where the hell is that from?"

Graham just grins a little wider, his eyes the vibrant blue of a bluebell flower. "Mercutio, from Romeo and Juliet." He says, still smiling like a dimwit.

Well fuck that probably explains why I wouldn't know. My familiarity with Romeo and Juliet is strictly common knowledge. Like I wanted to read a story about two stupid kids who speak in a way that no one understands and get married and die? Psh. Of course I read everything we were supposed to freshman year and did well, but I only did it in the name of a maintaining good grades. I forgot a lot about it because I was done with it and didn't really care. Because its stupid. Tragic, star-cross lovers? More like stupid eye-crossed idiots.

I vaguely remembered Mercutio. Some friend of idiot Romeo's. Fights some guy. Dies. Blah blah blah. Didn't really give a hoot, because he wasn't a main character and there were like no questions on him on the test.

But none of this answers how in the hell these two helmet wearing, lady chasing, brainless buffoons know so damn much about Literature!!

"How in the fuck do you guys know so much crap about Literature?!" I exclaim, skewering Graham and Sebastian with my eyes. Sebastian's smirk is high and mighty. Graham's is just as delusionally friendly as ever. "
We both take High Lit III," Sebastian explained, a glint in his eyes. My eyes narrow.

"I've never heard of that class," I mutter skeptically. I truly never have, but it doesn't explain how they both can magically know all these quotes from such high end books. Well, unless they're magical, which I'll believe when confetti blows out my ass.

"We needed to take something for credits," Graham says, leaning back in his chair, but his sparkling blue eyes stray to Scarlett, huddled in her chair like I once was.

I'll believe in this mystery class when I see it. Dumbass.

Sebastian seems to read my expression. "What, you wanna see our homework? Mrs.Riley's been shoving book after fucking book down our throats since school started, and we're just barely into the football season. I actually read some instead of Spark Noting them all,"

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