13 - Ohh Damn.

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Chapter 13: Ohh Damn.

“He keyed your car?!”

Scarlett’s voice is shrill with surprise and even outrage, and makes the phone whine into my ear. I hold the phone away, frowning. I bring it back to my ear, leaning it on my shoulder.

“Well what’d you expect him to do with my keys Scarlett? Drop them in the cupholder with a smile like the perfectly nice little goldenboy that he isn’t? I’m surprised he didn’t take the piece of crap for a joy ride,”

I’m sitting on my bed in my room, cross legged in my pajamas with my Trigonometry book open in front of me. I’d come home as a panicked mess and run right up to the upstairs and taken a shower to calm down.

I mean, I almost died!

Flora was so close to catching me in a somewhat secluded parking lot and mashing me into pudding!! It still gives me the jitters when I think about that. I’d torn outa there, leaving Sebastian with PugFace.

And no, I’m not worried about Sebastian at all. If PugFace was going after him I’d sit back in a lawn chair with a bowl of popcorn.

 Frankly, I’m not sure how well Flora would fair against Sebastian anyway. He’s freaking ginormous and all muscle, and he’s fit as hell because of football. Plus, he’s actually kind of smart (which is so weird I can barely believe it).

But, I’m getting off subject, what I’m worried about is, what if they team up against me?

I know, I know, you’re probably pointing your finger at me and yelling ‘YOU DO TO READ COMIC BOOKS!! ONLY COMIC BOOK NERDS WOULD THINK THAT!!’. Well be quiet, because no, I don’t! Its just that I’m trying to think of all of the worst things that can happen to me, because so far that’s all that’s happened. So what would be the worst scenario if Sebastian and Flora happen to meet up after I escape? They team up against me to capture and torture me (and in PugFace’s terms, smear my baby bitch blood on the floor).

“…I can’t believe that! What an asshole!” Scarlett’s finishing on the phone, sounding really upset. This warms me a little, because, well, she’s angry that something happened to me (or, well, my stupid van).

“Whatever, that’s not what I’m worried about. The thing’s a shitpile, I wouldn’t have cared if he’d keyed all over the side. Now if he’d slashed the tires I’d have been pissed…”

On the other end, Scarlett huffs indignantly. “Well you should Clarisse, he just violated a piece of your property! He can’t get away with that.”

I frown, thinking of the little half inch long scratch on the side of my van. Its barely noticeable! Hardly a scratch, and hell, it had sounded worse than it actually was. Now what really ticked me off was that the little snitch who got into my locker had payed himself off of my money!! “I don’t give a damn about the van, Scarlett! What pisses me off bad as hell is that I’m short forty fucking dollars!! Forty dollars!! The little twerp was fucking greedy and stupid, and I’m gonna beat his face in when I find him!”

Whoever the little shit is, he’s gonna get it. Bad. As in, he’ll be eating from a tube and probably will never go out into the social worlds again when I’m done with him.

“Clarisse, Sebastian owes you that money! And a new paint job on your car! Seriously! You need to talk to him tomorrow.” Scarlett’s angry yet sensible approach to this whole situation is frustrating. I used to think of myself as a rational person, but lately, not so much. I suppose I just get mad too quickly. I sigh. I know Scarlett’s right but…

“I don’t wanna talk to stupid Sebastian.” I say, literally almost pouting. But hey! I don’t! Stupid idiot’ll just turn things around and mess them up and nothing good will come out of it! Me and Sebastian meeting usually equals yelling and swearing and slapping.

I'm The Geek Who Slapped A Football Player.Where stories live. Discover now