6 - Keep It Too Yourself Please

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        Chapter 6:

           Knowing who my attacker was, I went into battle mode and started karate-ing PugFace’s ass!! (Translation: I blindly started slapping and smacking her with my notebook with my eyes closed.)

          She grunted, and then she grabbed my other wrist and jerked me farther into the dim doorway, closer to her. I crashed into her body. Shit! Holy crap she had some rock hard abdominals, where the fuck did that come from?! My Trigonometry book fell from the crook of my elbow in the struggle, and it landed hard on my toe. Which stung. And then, in madness my head hit the wall and I yelped, and it hurt like hell, so then I went totally Bruce Lee on her ass.

          “Hey hey he– Ow! Ouch!!! Enough would you just– damn!! Sweet mother of God that fucking hurt– YOW!!” It took me the fourth complaint of pain for me to realize that PugFace wasn’t fighting me back (or totally destroying me yet). I finally opened my eyes and realized that it wasn’t PugFace at all.

          “Jeezus Christ psycho, you–”

          I smacked Sebastian in the chest with my notebook.

          “Ow! What the fuck was that for?”

          “Because you pissed me off that’s why!!” I’d thought he was freaking She-Man Flora Harkin, already come to rip me to pieces and crush me into the tile!! I’d been pissed but terrified as hell!! Good grief!!

          Sebastian rubbed his chest where I’d hit him and scowled at me. “Good Christ psycho, if someone woulda given ya a notebook you coulda swatted Flora to death with it,”

          I opened my mouth to yell but stopped short. How in the hell did he know that?! “How the fuck did you know I got in a fight with Flora?!”

          Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head at me. “Did you really just say that? It’s already all over the school. Everyone keeps telling me the crazy bitch that slapped me and poured pudding on me fought Flora Harkin. And lived.” He gave me a pointed look and his eyes scanned over my form.

         I forcibly held my angry blush down as his golden tan eyes examined my light blue polo and khaki caprees and brown flip flops. He grabbed my arm and semi turned me around, but I jerked my arm away and faced him again, glowering. He took one of the sleeves of my shirt between his fingers and stretched it out. I slapped his hand away.

        “Well, there’s no blood,” He said, and then grabbed my wrist and stretched my arm out. Though I resisted, the stupid asshole was just too strong. “…and there’s no bruises,” I ripped my arm away and glared at him. He reached out and pinched me and I yelped. “…and it looks like you’ve got all your teeth too.”

        Pissed, I swatted him with my notebook. He defended himself with his arm and didn’t complain this time, but scowled back down at me. “And what the hell was that for?”

        “You pinched me!” I mean seriously, why would you just pinch someone?! I obviously have all my damn teeth! Good cripes, idiot!

          Sebastian just frowned at me and muttered ‘women’ under his breath, then took out his rather fancy phone. Either an iphone or a droid, I wasn’t sure, but it was all screen and no keyboard. He started flipping through stuff with his finger, and I leaned in curiously. My phone isn’t even anything cool. Just a crappy old razor that my dad gave to me when he wanted something nicer. New phones are soo cool, and even if I hate Sebastian MacCrain, I love his phone.

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