Chapter 6 Chrizzie's Jealousy

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We spent a week together before Harold told me that he is a king, I slipped a few words I shouldn't have said and smack my self internally.

"I hope you won't be angry to me because of what I'm about to say, I didn't tell you before because I want you to like me for who I am not for what I am" he breathlessly told me and I nodded.

"I'm the wolf king" I choke on my saliva and start coughing. Is he shuu and bart's father? How can I snatch those characters when I marry the wolf king, yet I remember the wolf king's name is grant and the beastman Infront of me is Harold so..

"I thought grant is the wolf king?" I whisper making snap towards me with wide eyes

"How did you know about my younger brother? Did he court you too and deceive you by saying his the wolf king?" He ask me multiple questions and I feel speechless, did he breathe that words?

"Nope Harry, he didn't court me, did you forgot that wolf are royal to your chosen female? And you told me yesterday that your younger brother finally has a female that he like!" He nodded but still confuse

"But I don't remember saying his name! So how did you know him?" I look away from his stare and look at the sky.

"I dream of two beastman in their 23rd season cycle that I feel connected to. And their father is the wolf king named grant" he look at me and took my hands bringing it Infront of him.

"So you can see the future through dreams, are an ape female?" I look at him and shake my head 'no'.

This is our 2nd week of this courtship and I plan on telling him that I accepted him already but he is rather late. Unfortunately my two mates are not here to comfort me, Winston are responsible for the salt caravan this year and William is having a meeting with the ape king for some reasons and advices, I let him cause I know the ape king are reasonable right now because the sea bitch had yet arive

I pace back and forth towards the halls and the guard are looking at me but I ignore them cause I'm about to explode for so many overthinking of where my wolf king is. One guard come rushing to me bowing.

"Tiger Queen, a female wants to talk to you..." The guard hesitate"...but if you don't want to, we'll drive them away for you" I look at him and about to say something when I heard a commotion outside the castle. A female is shouting at someone.

I take a peak of the situation and the view are making me roll my eyes for irritation. I saw Lora with his mates outside and Harold talking or more like Lora are shouting at him. For some reason, I got jealous and something snap at me.I stare at them for a while.

I saw how Lora hold MY Harry's hand but Harold retract it immediately, I smile at his action and my blood boiled looking at Lora who's trying to reach for my Harry's hands. This shameless bitch!

"I'm better than that female, I'm the most beautiful here in the city. I will have my entrous soon and if you want I can give you cubs" I stare at her, making imaginary holes into her body. I want slap her multiple times. I clench my hands, my nails are digging at my palm, drawing blood.

"I already have a female! Stop this nonsense and stay away from me" Harold firmly state.

"Yeah! You should go! Find someone else willing to scratch your itchy, dirty and smelly cunt, and stop pestering my mates!" I shout at her, feeling the rage of this female's audacity. I got carried away and shock about my rage, Harold snap to my direction and smile.

"You! You stole my males!" She shouted back and I flinch 'dramatically' which make the guards glare at Lora and her males, while Harold came to comfort me.

"I don't have to stole any males to you, they are not a things so you don't own them at the first place" I told her in my normal calm voice.

She's about to slap me so I close my eyes anticipating the slap but it didn't come. I open my eyes slowly just to see Harold holding her hands before he throw her into the arms of her mates. He control his strength so he won't hurt Lora just enough for her mates to catch her

"Stop pestering my mate and scram! Or would you want us to kill all your mates?" I blush at his declaration, I can only called him MY in my head and here he is calling me his. I stare at him still light headed.

"They are gone now rizz" and I almost slam at the earth floor but before it happens Harold and one of the guards hold me, I look at the guard, his hair is dark shade of brown, his ear and tail are black with three brown stripes at his shoulder, I met his emerald eyes,I smile at him and he smile back with the hint of pink at his cheeks before he retract his hand immediately nodding at harry.

Harold carry me towards the castle with the guards at our back. "Do you like that black tiger guard?" Harry whisper at my ear.

I feel weak and a bit dizzy but the feeling must be from stress that female gave me.

I look at Harold and I can't take it anymore! The only way for that female to stop pestering my harry is if he's officially become one of my mates. I put my hands gently at his cheeks and lean on it before giving him a kiss.

"Can you put me upstairs?" He nodded with his blushing cheeks.

He took me to our bedroom but before we reach it, he lean into me "are you sure I can go inside?" He whisper directly into my ears blowing at it.

A soft moan escape my lips to the sensation, and I bury my face into his chest burying my blush. He chuckle and peck my hair. I nodded to his question before looking at him.

"Are you sure? You look like you're not!" This time using his broke raspy breathe.

"I want you to be my mate, harry" I boldy declare and he smirk.

✨(I'm working on the next chapter, maybe I'll post it later or tomorrow, hope you like the chapter, ja'ne)🥀

✨THE QUEEN IS A HEALER🥀Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ