Chapter 8 Injured Cub

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We we're swimming at the nearest river when I heard a sounds of crying cub, it's sounds like a cat when step unto. Screeching and whimpering. My head perch up and look at the direction of the noise. I didn't waste anymore time and came out the water, I wrap the extra fur on my body and run towards the whimpering tiger cub. My mates run following me.

I saw a small tiger cub as small as a puppy, maybe he's a month old cub. He's struggling because of the vines that had wrap around it's small body and a small cuts in his body. I clench my palm. What a irresponsible parents!

I reach for it. "It's okey cub, don't worry! I'm here for you" I coo at him. "Harry free the cub, he's suffering from it" Harold immediately cut the vines with his claw and I hold the cub securely at my arm. I look at them and mutter a 'thank you' they blush at my behavior.

"Let's go the castle, I need to clean his wound before applying any medicine on him" they nodded at me smiling.

The cub whimper and cry in my arm so I humm "hush little baby, don't you cry" I continue singing until the cub fell asleep. We reach the castle faster this time.

"Will boil some water and bring my stash of emergency herbs" William rush to the kitchen and do what I want minutes later he came with the thing I need. I grind all the herb I needed and mix it. I look at Harold.

"Harry can you remove his fur around the wound?" He smiled fascinated to what I'm doing for a cub that wasn't mine. He remove the fur carefully using his claw and I begin to wash it with the boiled water, of course the water are only warm this time. The cub twitch, you can see he's struggling even in his sleep. After cleaning the wound, I put my mix herb into his wound and wrap it in a clean thin fur I have as an emergency bandage. I wipes my imaginary sweat in my forehead.

I look at William and Harold, they both look at me animated like I'm some delicacy they haven't taste.

"Love, are you a goddess?" He ask me can't remove his eyes on me.

"No love, I'm a doctor, or in your term, I'm a healer" still looking at me like I'm kind of treasure. I sigh.

"I think I fall in love with you again" Harold whisper and I blush to his deceleration. I saw William wanted to say something but my stomach make a sound. I blush more with it. I look outside, it's dark outside already, I never track the time whenever I'm focus on my patients, that's why sometimes I forget to eat in time. I look at them and they smile.

"Even my goddess needs some food love" will kiss my forehead before dashing out of the castle to hunt something.

Harold gave me some berries to munch, I never saw him leave my side. I munch on the berries and humm. So sweet.

"Harry, why you haven't come back to your clan?" I got curious because I know he's the wolf king. He smiled and look at me straight in the eye.

"Remember the time when you shared to me about future that grant;my younger brother is the king of wolf. I told him to train as a wolf king, I gave him task to maintain and improve the wolf clan, he accepted so here I am, I'm free for the whole year until he's not yet done with all the task to prepare him to get ready for his future" he explain and I smile more.

I kiss his lip planning for sneak kiss but before I can retract my lips to his I feel his left hand hug me through the back of my waist and his right hand are on the back of my head. His kiss is soft but deep, when he let go of my lips finally, I am out of breathe.

"I love you harry" I whisper to him and I saw him almost crying. "And I love you more baby" his husky voice turn me on, if not for the cub meowing I would jump him.

I look at the cub that now awake, he's meowing like he want to say something to me but I can't understand.

"Call Marco, harry, I need his assistant for this" I know that only tiger beastman can understand the tiger cub. When Marco came, I took his hand making him plastered.

"Can you translate what the little cubs want to say?" I use my soft voice. And he blush nodding to my request.

The cub meowing and look at me like I'm his treasure. Marco growl and meow something back to the cub. He look at me and smile.

"He said, you smell like mom, and he can smell his dad in you too. I smell like his dad" bowing and scratching his head, I look at him and he's dark brown hair complement his tomato red face.

"You mean we smell like his parents?" I ask again and Marco nodded. The cub tried to stand but I quickly hold him. "Your still week because of the wound, don't move yet" I sweetly says. I'm a fan of fantasy stories, me being in this world is one of the reasons why I never doubted it. Maybe this cub came from the future and I was thinking of accepting Marco into my harem since he's courting me ever since that day. It's been a week from that Lora's accident. I blush at the thought that this hot guy wanted me as his mate after the encounter. Geeeeez.

I hug the tiger cub, and kiss it's head. I took Marco's hand and put it on the cubs head. I close my eyes and pray. 'Bring the baby back to the future me'. I open my eyes when I feel that the cub disappear on my lap. I look at harry, Marco and will that just came back.

"He's telling the truth then" The beast god gave me chance to glance at my future for a short time and I'll treasure it with all my heart. They look amaze but will and Harry glare at Marco. "Marco would you like to be my male, I want to see him again in the future" I stare at him with a smile. My little cub is the cutest. He tear up and nodded.

"Of course I would love to" he wipes his tears and hug me tight.

"Come on love, harry, group hug?" They come to me and hug me like I'm going to disappear like the cub does.

In the middle of our hugs my stomach growl. They laugh and immediately prepare our dinner. I smiled at them and just watch them do their things. I took the small furs that left by the cubs and wrap it in my smooth fur hugging it. I'll see you in the future baby, I promise.

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