Chapter 13 Mystery Beastman

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We manage to convince our mother to stay at the castle for a while, I was thinking of buying a house near our castle to accommodate rose.

Right now, I'm with Wilbert, here in the forest helping him to find more herbs, I suggested that we create a garden or vegetables and herbs, and I manage to teach my daddies about proper farming.

I know about farming due to my grandparents, my grandpa  have an hectares of rice land and when he's farming he always makes me join, I still remember everything that he taught me, making me miss them so much.

I look around us and saw some cabbage and lettuce, I run towards it and harvest some for our dinner, I want some beef stew. I almost drool just thinking of my favorite food serve with rice and some mix berry juice.

I lick my lips and look back at Wilbert, I show him my findings smiling, he just laugh and ran towards me and make my hair messy.

"Daddy not my hair" I pout and he smile wider.

"Let's go back now, so we can cook what making you smile that sweetest" he smile at me and put my veggies on our basket along with his herbs.

I got shock when he carry me on his right hand while carrying the big full basket at his left hand. He grasp my but and I gasp at his antics.

"Babygirl let's go?" I nodded and smile at him, he ran back at our castle, running to our kitchen, putting our findings at our countertop and putting me down.

"Babygirl, I need to arrange something important" he look at Winston and nodded at him "cook our baby's want to eat, I need to do my duty first" he kiss my forehead

"I'll be back babygirl, wait for daddy patiently, hmmm" I nodded smiling at him.

"I want some beef stew with cabbage love, we found some ingredients, I'll show you how to make it. By the way, where's mother?"

"She's sleeping with her other mates at the second floor love" I nodded and begin to prepare our ingredients for our cooking.


My mate request to join my herb foraging so I let her, in one condition, she'll be in my line of vision for the whole travel. She's obedient that's why I'm calm while picking some herbs for cough and simple sickness.

I can feel some audience from afar but I think it's just another healer foraging in the forest, cause I know that this area is mostly part for foraging useful herbs, my mate found something and run towards a circular green leaf. I smile at her antics but frown when I feel that someone are watching us again, this time I know it's not just another healer. I can feel a strong beastman near us.

I don't want to alarm my female so I just calm myself and act normal. I gently place her findings in our basket before carrying her in my one arm while carrying the basket at my other hand. I squeeze her butt to calm my nerves and she gasp. I smile at her, but I don't know if she saw my face but I'm glad she's not looking at my face anymore.

I ran towards the tiger castle and ran towards the kitchen where Winston are waiting. I put our findings at the kitchen counter and put down my pretty babygirl.

When I know her safety with her two mates with her, Marco just came back entering towards the kitchen and I nodded at him before going back out of the kitchen. I enter the throne room.

I saw King Harold and King William, I communicate towards them using my power. 'Someone takes a liking at our baby, a stronger one at that' then cut our connection.

They both stare at me in disbelief, and I nodded. They ran towards me.

"I want details, what do you mean stronger? You mean stronger than us kings who's tetra mark?" William ask whispering. I nodded.

"If he thinks of taking our baby for himself, we can't do anything even we join force with other tetra marks and three marks beastman" I told them shaking.

"That's! You mean the legendary Penta mark?" Harold join and I nodded, I feel it even if the male are far from us. I can feel him staring straight at my babygirl.

"If he's a good male and won't hurt our baby I let him court her but if not then I'll plan to kill him even if I put my life in line" William determine to protect our baby. I know what he means and if I'm strong as the other king I'll do it too.

But even if I can't have a fair fight I still have something with me. I can still help protect our mate. She's our source of smile and laughter. I don't want to lose the only person who consider me as a good choice of a male. She's my sunshine, our sunshine.

We discuss some strategy to capture the beastman if he have a bad intention towards our joy and pride. And if he just want to court our female then we'll negotiate.

I just hope that it's a civil beastman not a feral or rootless.

We finish our discussion and come inside our kitchen. William petch his mother and her mates.

I smell delicious food inside, now I agree that Winston and our female are the only person Who can cook in our kitchen. The smell makes me drool, I take some moment enjoying the smell.

My mate ran towards me gives me hugs and kisses. "Are you done with your duties daddy?" She ask smiling at me and I nodded at her. She pull me towards the chair where her other mates are waiting. I nodded towards her other mates. I know they hear us too 'cause beastman hearing is no joke.

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