50. Deadly Race Track

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Karan remains silent and a lone tear escapes his eyes.

"I know you are hiding something big from me…. Tell me karan!! Just say it!!", he screams loudly making Karan flinch.

He peers up to look at his father but words get choked in his throat. He finds it hard to say a single word and just silently stares in his eyes as tears fall down.

Karan then after a moment gathering all his courage tells the story to his father about how Sammy was drunk and mistakenly thought to be Karan. Riya takes advantage of him being trapped in alcohol intoxication thinking it was him. But in the morning when she saw it was Sammy instead of Karan she left the room feeling failed. But a few days later she got to know she was pregnant and was about to abort it but then an evil plan came to her head. She blackmailed Sammy the day it was Dia's birthday showing him all the proof. And he was so scared hearing he would be called a womaniser, put behind the bars, will make Farha hate him and not only her but everyone. He would be framed so badly that he would be jailed etc 

"This made Sammy scared and paranoid. He was already in this situation in childhood once and you know dad it was too hard for him to forget that. And unknowingly when Riya triggered him with this. He lost his senses and was acting insane, he even tried to cut his nerves in front of my eyes begging for me to save him. And I didn't have any option but to take all that blame on me and save him by sending him to a secured and safe place",, he confessed.

Everyone's eyes grew wide as saucers while an inaudible gasp left their lips. Krish felt like having a hard punch on his chest hit as he got to know the reality. He was beyond shocked and more petrified thinking what if Dia chose Karan instead of him knowing he is all innocent and has not cheated on her. He exits that place instantly dragging himself out subconsciously. His head was spinning hard and he was feeling suffocated. His breathing got abnormal as he found it hard to even inhale or exhale as he sat on his knees in the backyard. Meanwhile, Kabir lands a tight slap on Karan's face making Anjali gasp loudly. 

"Why didn't you inform me? Why did you think of yourself as some sort of saviour and take all the blame on your head? Who the hell gave you the right to break my daughter's heart, huh? Who???", Kabir yells, grabbing his collar.

Karan remains silent and cries silently while feeling the world crashing down in front of his eyes Sanjeev dropped on the couch. He was still processing everything when suddenly something clicked in his head and getting on his feet he came to Karan and slapped him again.

"Because of you my poor innocent child was sent back to that tortuous man. He got the chance to cage her and torture her to such an extent that we were about to lose her. We almost lost her!!", he says and pushes him lightly.

"Because of you my son again started seeing the dream of having her in his life. And now that he has lost himself fully in her you are saying you never cheated on her. You are saying that there is a possibility of his dreams, his heart and most importantly he himself can be shattered to an extent there is no coming back", he says as tears rain down his eyes.

"Listen… Mr. You had your chance and you chose your brother. You yourself decided what to do and what to not. But just remember if any of my child suffers I'll kill you with my own bare hands", he spits venomously and leaves from there.

Kabir, feeling disappointed and apologetic, asks for Anjali's forgiveness but she says nothing and leaves from there as well. Kabir then looks at Karan with anger and hurt.

"If just for god's sake you would have reached me out or Dia… We would have saved my son and your relationship as well. But you…. You are the 'Karan Kundra' who never listens to anyone and thinks whatever he's doing is right. And see today… because of your one decision and mistake you ruined so many lives", he says painfully and leaves for his room.

Karan feels devastated and falls back on the couch behind him. Holding his head in his hands he sniffs as he drowns in the pool of guilt and regret. His father is right he should have sought help but what to do everything was running from his hand like a sand at that time.

"Mr. Kundra the time is running… he said you only have 3 hours to save your brother. Please hurry!!", the cop mutters as one more text pops on his phone. Flashback ends ……..

Karan roars his BMW S 1000 RR to life as the girl in her bikini does countdown. There were 20 more bikes and everyone had a smirk on their face challenging Karan for making them lose this race.

Karan, sighing a few times, tries to concentrate fully on the racing track with the goal of winning this race. He closes his eyes once and takes Dia's name. Meanwhile, the girl holding the flag swings it in the air indicating to start the race with a blow horn and every biker roars their bike to life disappearing like a thin air with Karan.

This race was on a cliff and from downwards the goal was to reach up, swirling around the cliff. It was nauseating, scary, the soil of that cliff was shiny and slippery a bit with the professional bike riders and are also the goons of that villain.

(Rasiya hamari gundo me phas chuki hai.. *lol* hahaha)

Karan's bike swung right and left saving himself from the hilarious ride who were trying their best to kick him out and make him fall. Karan was dodging everyone and even kicked out many making them fall down. He felt sorry for them but this is what was the rule of the game. The one who survives till last will be the winner.

He made out till almost half of the cliff swearing himself to save his brother as well as Dia. On the other hand, Krish was trying hard to get the abductor traced with the help of cops and his private men.

Out of 20 only 7 were left and right now the two of them from 7 were behind him ready to kick his bike's back. While the other one from his bike bumped into his bike giving him a jerk. His balance on that heavy beauty gets a bit off and he was about to go toward the death end and his eyes widened in terror. His chest shuddered and the heart thumped loudly, taking a second he sighs deeply and his brain works quickly as he puts a sudden halt because of which his front tyre gets on air and taking it as a advantage he jumps to the safe point with his bike and roars his beauty back to life.

Oops! That made those two fall down the cliff. Poor them!! *shrug*

The competition keeps on getting less and Karan was near to the victory. But still one contender was left and the fight began. Karan dodges to the right as he tries to hit him from the side. While he after getting back tries to hit him again and Karan slowing his speed tries to confuse him. He was getting near and that's when Karan roared again and flew high. That rider was growling in frustration and races behind him and just before he could make Karan harm he won the race. But does that stop the goon of course not and he hits his bike hard making Karan fall off his bike at the land. He groans in pain as he drops and bounces twice. 

The rider getting off his bike kicks and hits Karan while he coughs hard and tries to stand on his feet. He pushes the goon off of him and that rages him more as he stumbles back. Karan wipes the blood drop off from his lips corner and till then a few goons arrive more. The intense fight goes on as Karan does the one against 9 fights. He was badly hurt and was bleeding as well which also made him racing suit tore up from the side on his back. But Krish at last sent the help as he was tabbing Karan's location as well. 

Karan was first tensed cursing to his luck as he saw more men coming toward him but sighed in relief as they knocked down the goon and saved him. He sat on the land for a few seconds giving his body a little bit of rest and when finds the situation under control he takes his bike and goes to the deep end of the jungle with which the cliff was connected too. And finally he found a small tin house and makes his enter inside it only to find his brother tugged in wires with a ticking bomb in his neck.

"Holy …. Fuck!!", he growls.

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