54.Tough Choices

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"Life is unfair at times making us stand to do tough choices which will not only change our lives but relationships too"

Author's POV

"Hello…. Doll. Welcome to my territory again!", he mutters.

Dia trembles badly under his authoritative dangerously low tone with that predatory gaze keeping her captivated. She gulped hard as terror crawled into her. He leaned toward her looking damn intimidating and tried to get back dragging her body behind but before that he grabbed her. He clawed her jaws firmly, digging his nails on her cheeks and that puckered her lips. 

"I told you… we will meet again, remember? Btw did you miss me..? Because I missed you a lot and trust me this time you and me are never falling apart, not by death", he blurted.

While she shook her head in negativity with tears welled up in her eyes. Her palms were sweating badly, and her body was in a vibrating mode.

Seeing her state, his heart was dropped into the pool of soothing ease. He was loving this crawling trepidation over her eyes and body, and if truth be told, he actually missed this state of hers. It hits him differently whenever he sees her like this instead of being naked in front of his eyes. Sex is his need, and claiming her is her punishment and torture. But making her feel scared is the actual peace for him.

Shrugging everything, he smiles at her, showing his teeth, which scared her more. He sat beside her, leaving her jaw, and placed it behind her back in her waist. She, in fear, looks at him, waiting for another torture, when all he did was pull her close and make her sit. He then caressed her hair, at which she shivered and closed her eyes in terror. He smiled brightly and then switched on the TV, which was playing love footage of his basement. As the sounds of that clip reached her ears, she looked at him, and he eyed her to look at it.


In a dark room with a low oxygen level filled with dirt and dust, Karan was tied with ropes to a wooden chair. While blood was flowing through his forehead and the corners of his lips, His body was bruised, and blood was clotted in a few places, making that part beetroot red and green.

He was bleeding internally, but Zen had no mercy on him and poured a bucket of ice cubes. He got awakened gasping for air with this sudden contact of extreme coldness. As the cold wiped off his wounds and bruises, he was getting some relief. When it suddenly started burning on his whole body as the spicy burning chilly powder got mixed with his skin getting absorbed with water.

He started screaming in pain, coming out of the shock of coldness and being introduced to the burning sensation.

"Ahhh…. Holy fuck…. What did you pour on me? Ahhh, get me rid of  it! he screams aloud.

Everyone standing there laughs hysterically seeing him scream in pain and misery while it seemed like a pleasure to them.

"It's damn pleasing. I'm loving it!" one of them muttered.

His screams got louder and louder as they sprinkled more powder on his wounds intentionally. Karan kept on begging, and when he realized they had deaf ears, he tried to gulp his pain while playing a bluff game. But his face said it all, and that made them more excited.

First, they were doing all this because Zen asked them to torture him in a pleasurable but mild way. And now they will do more to see how much patience and calm he can keep, no matter how long.

They laid him on the ice chunk first, and as his body started getting relief, they picked him up and placed him in the middle of two large heaters. The spices got irked again, and the burning sensation with that heat felt like making his skin melt. Thankfully, that torture got off soon, while Karan subconsciously stayed there, asking God internally to get him rid of this demon anyhow with Dia being freed.

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