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Happy moments


I am so happy that I have lucas with me.

right now we are having dinner with princess aliana.

At this point I think i can trust her because she's lucas sister and she has been nice to me throughout my meeting her.

"Brother, have you told her yet"..asked aliana breaking me out of my thoughts

"About what aliana"asked lucas

"The festival coming up in three weeks, you know how fun it is, I think the queen should come as well, it will be nice and I grantee that I will keep her safe"...said aliana.

"I was going to mention it, but three weeks is still far away and if star wants to attend of course it all up to her, what ever she is comfortable with, but for now let's focus on diner"..said lucas dismissively.

      They are talking about the annual moonlight  festival, the last time I was at a festival was when I was nine and I haven't been to one since then..

I would live to go this time around and it's in three weeks, there is still some time left..

As long as lucas says it is safe to go then I don't mind giving it a try..


"Come my love, did you enjoy your dinner"... asked lucas as he held my hand, leading me up the stairs....

"It was lovely thank you"...I wrote down and showed him..

"Hmm, I have something i want to show you, are you sleepy yet"...asked lucas...

" No, I had a long nap in the afternoon"...I replied..

"In that case, let's go then....

     lucas brought me to his royal study, he said he wanted to show me something is it perhaps a new book..

" here my love", lucas said, As he took my hand he walked me to the book shelf area where he pulled a book opening a secret door.

Wow I have only reed this in a book, never seen one and never imagined that I would see one, oh my God, am super excited now.
Could this be the surprise?....

"Oh your smiling, am glad you like it but this is not the surprise come"... said lucas as he lead me now the stairs behind the secret door.

   We Walked in silent till we came across a black door to which lucas unlocked with the key he was holding....

As we  continued walked only for me to discover that this path leads to the back woods of the Palace, am already getting excited because I have never been to this part of the palace I have only seen it from the balcony of my chambers....

As we walked deeper, lucas would often ask if was okay or a bit tired of walking and I would just shake my head, To be honest am to excited to be tired right now...

We walk deeper into the forest, suddenly we came to a stop when we approach a cave.

      Entering the cave, the first thing that caught my attention was the roof of the cave, it has bright blue light that light on the path for us, what is this, some fairytale. Oh my god...

lucas led me further until we came across a big tree with it leaves  that hung down like curtains all the way from the top, i have never seen anything like this before, so beautiful...
  As we walked under the leaves, my eyes couldn't with hold the beauty of this place.

   I could see so many sparkling light ahead, as we approached the clearing,to my surprise I saw mark standing at a distance.

"You graces", he greeted

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