Prologue 2: A Family Guided Life Before...

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-29th Layer; Zenith Beta; Infinite Endless White-

"In the end, we have reached another tie. You truly always push me to go beyond... I can't actually imagine what I would have done if I had won. It's beautiful to know something to look forward to will always exist, so long as we are here." In the void space, words resounded gently and unusually warmly.

"Shut up! I can't believe I keep tieing with a little shit like you! I'm so much better in every conceivable way! Nothing justifies your measly existence, somehow always pulling me down to your level! Worry not as I will soon make things right and exterminate you, the way it should be!" In the same void space, words resounded hazardously and extremely coldly.

In a fully white voided space, two entities with a humanoid figure laid on what one would assume is the floor in this vaguely defined, multi-dimensional plane separate from everything.

"Haha, you really should try just relaxing, all that pent-up frustration, otherwise how are you any different from the mortals you loathe?" The first entity responded with what could be called a smile on its face.

"Unnecessary, only lesser forms of sentience are undeserving of any thought. After all, they bare no value." The second voice retorted with no emotion whatsoever simply a deadpan face.

"As usual we'll have to disagree, there is value in those beings, they just need to be given the chance to be greater, and in time, not even we will bear the authority." The first entity stated with conviction.

"Tch! Your stupidity has always been inadequate, but your willingness to believe in those lowly creatures only makes it harder for me to take anything you say seriously." The second entity commented while rolling its eyes.

"Hm... Then how about we make a bet? If we give them the chance and up until the next end of all things, no being has reached us, you'll win and I'll accept defeat." The first entity suggested in high spirits.

"How noble of you, to give up for your over-glorified toys... If I was anything like you, I would refuse, but since you insist on handling it to me on a measly 28th-dimensional plate, then so be it." The second entity chuckled as it accepted.

"That's if you win, but if any of them makes it to us before the next end of all things, they are the ones winning and we both lose." The first entity declared.

"It seems insanity has finally caught up with you... Just so I'm sure, I understand you... You're actually suggesting we allow one of them to reach The Drunken Hand, instead of one of us?"  The second entity narrowed its eyes looking at the first, wondering if it hadn't hit it too hard.

"Honestly, I believe it would be more interesting if we added a special bonus for a few of the beings below. Unless of course, you fear their ability to actually succeed." The first entity retorted.

"No, your naivete simply never ceases to amaze me. Fine, but how about we instead turn this into something more interesting?" The second entity posed.

"And what do you have in mind?" The first asked.

"Two teams of beings from below will be selected from each Layer, and the members of each team will get a special bonus selected by us. One team represents your side of the bet, the one who will have to reach this place, team Pursuers. and on my side, those whose objective is to hunt down team Pursuers, team Hoarders." The second entity proposed.

"We have ourselves a deal. On this day, I Origo Alpha, begin this absolute contract with you, Fin Omega, under the Reality Law, from this moment on. May the best team win." The first entity declared as they both shook hands and the ripple effect of their actions reached every corner of all the 29 Layers.

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