Chapter 12: The Real Training Begins

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"How have you three been all this time? I know we exchanged letters and all, but I guess there's nothing like listening to it in person." Mom asked as she let go of the hug.

"Not much has happened. The typical adventurer stuff, killing monsters here and there, getting paid. That's about the gist of it." Uncle Ross sounded tired and even had bags under his eyes, with a dry voice.

"Oh jeez, is it impossible for you to show some excitement? You always sound so colorful in your letters, how hard can it be to do that in person?" Mom questioned with a pouty face.

"No can do. Perpetual tiredness is my best quality." Uncle Ross responded in such a dry and serious-sounding way that it was hard to tell if he was joking or not.

""Hahaha""The three sisters began laughing at their brother's words.

"It's so like Ross to make a joke sound so serious." The woman with green skin commented.

"Honestly, I just think he has pent-up mommy issues, but he won't admit it even after I told him I know someone who can help him." The cowgirl added.

"Pray be the 15 Divine Lords, you two are so mean to our little brother, bullying him like that in front of the whole family." Mom retorted as she slightly chuckled.

"It's tough love and he needs it." The green woman declared while puffing out her flat chest.

"Rather than tough love, I would say it's more along the lines of sisterly love, and it helps him with his mommy issues, so he likes it, right Ross?" The cowgirl teased him.

"Why did I agree to come here again?" Maintaining his dry tone, Uncle Ross inquired.

Laughter erupted as everyone took what he said as a joke leaving him to sigh.

(Poor guy... This kind of kind of thing is why I never wanted siblings at all... Sounds way too exhausting... Then again, Lilian and Crystal aren't too problematic even if they can get annoying at times.) Alaric thought to himself.

"You girls... It feels like we never left the old house... Anyway, let's continue this conversation inside before I get called a bad host behind my back." Mom announced and everyone went inside.

Once inside the conversation continued.

"Well, when it comes to me I've mostly just been doing my part and helping the elves in the Hurlmin forest keep things in order, and that aside I've been supplying Amora with Nymph bathwater. On this topic, how are the Nymph water sales?" The green-skinned aunt said.

"Gee Numia, way to let out our business secret. Though I must say the sales are at an all-time high because of the recent increase in nobility around this area." Mom responded seeming excited to speak.

"It's not really a secret to anyone in here." Aunt Numia replied raising her eyebrow at Mother.

"I guess so, but you shouldn't speak of such things so casually. Anyway, Litia, how about you? How's the farm going?" Mom reprimanded her with her arms crossed.

"Oh, nothing much really. I've been doing basically what I've done for a long while now, a pretty boring routine if you ask me.

"Business-wise things have improved a lot though because of this husband of yours, she makes some juicy deals, that keep you wanting more." Aunt Litia smiled as she spoke.

"Language." Mom warned while rolling her eyes.

"It's nice to know it's helping..." Dad said while smiling awkwardly.

"I said nothing, but the truth." Aunt Litia refused to back down.

"How are we related?" Uncle Ross interjected.

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