Prologue 6: Process Complete

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(Vectis' POV)

Among the many celestial beings in the Omniverse, I Vectis Eros Lux, have always been one of the more carefree and free-spirited ones, after all, I was the Celestial of Lust! My time was spent mostly having fun and quite literally fucking around, from single to married, none of those ladies were truly outside my reach.

The problem was as you would imagine, I made many enemies because of my escapades, and they finally had enough of me. Joining hands in the biggest army to have ever pursued me, they managed to heavily injure me to the point of no return.

The vessel I used as a body was beyond saving and if I didn't want my soul to be captured and thrown into Oblivion, I had no choice but to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

It was going to save me, but it was a solution that came with the consequence of taking away all of my powers, I can at best keep my memories intact if I do this since I will be sacrificing my status as a celestial to do so... Unfortunately, it's that or Absolute annihilation, which doesn't leave me with much of a choice.

Let's look at things from a positive side, not only do I get a second chance at creating my Celestial form, but I also get the chance to correct my worst mistake... Ignoring combat prowess when I was still a mortal, making it impossible for me to reach higher than the minimum for Celestials.

Because of that, I refused to have any deeper connection to any of the women I was involved with and even made they it so they could never love me... This time, I'll make myself a proper celestial and... I might even be able to go for the world fragments...

Just imagine, me reaching the Throne of Omnipotence... Well, it is good to have ambition, it will help me stay focused... As focused as someone like me can stay.

Without hesitating any longer I threw my soul into the reincarnation stream as my celestial vessel stayed behind and my celestial energy slowly faded to 0.

All the work I had put in to become the pinnacle had gone to waste. At least I now had the chance to become an Anti-God, yeah I should focus on the opportunities I gained, not the hard work I lost.

My soul traveled and passed many planets none of them piquing my interest until I came across an unusually familiar feeling of attraction, which I decided to follow since looking for a perfect planet and vessel would take forever.

Plus if I'm not quick with it a Celestial with a domain in reincarnation might notice me and by then it's over. Even though I couldn't use my powers anymore, I still had an understanding of how to do many things and spiritual movement is something that every Celestial has to learn very early on, and most even learn it while they are still mortals.

Though mortals without the experience of a Celestial wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing.

It was not hard to get passed the atmosphere of the planet in this spiritual form, but it will certainly be more demanding to pass through the manasphere right below it.

Even though spiritual and magical energy are very different, they can interact with one another and affect each other, though magic energy definitely affects spiritual energy on a much larger scale than it is the other way around.

As expected the manasphere showed resistance to my entrance since there was no pathway created for my soul to just breeze through.

I was forcefully entering and could very well be intercepted and stopped by the celestials in charge of this planet, but they tend to not interfere unless it is at least a country-level threat and even then, they don't interfere directly unless it's a planetary-level threat or change, so it's highly unlikely.

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