Vol-2 Chapter 4: Prison Break

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-Mormial Kingdom; Raphtal City; Royal Palace; Throne Room-

In a completely silent room, the King looked at Fritz with a serious expression, then sighed before saying. "My apologies, necromancers aren't seen in a good light in general, and the current situation isn't helping at all. Stress among nobility is at an all-time high, so I bid you to ignore their rashness."

Those words appeased the heroes as things seemed to be taking a rather unfortunate turn for them.

"I won't take it personally, as I myself have been a victim of rashness under pressure..." Fritz responded as the most recent time that happened replayed in his mind, and the thought of being frozen to death send some chills down his spine.

Not much else to be said, Fritz went back to his place. Following his return, both Heather and Leopold got up at the same time.

"No, you can go first, I'll wait." Leopold gestured.

Heather's mouth opened and it seemed she wanted to say something, but then shook her head and just moved forward until she reached the sphere and touched it with her hand, taking in a few coordinated breaths before a floating screen appeared.

[Status Screen]

[Name: Heather Ismene Heartfield
Age: 15 years old
Sex: Female
Species: Human | Sub-Species: Earthling
Affinity: Neutral, Water, Destruction
Bloodline: Ismene Lineage
Physique: Ismene Body
Level: 1
Exp: 0/50
Titles: Reincarnated Individual, Otherwolder
Job: Heroine
Class: Valkyrie
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 15
Magic: 15
Willpower: 15
Agility: 15
Charisma: 89
Luck: 10

Unique ability/s: [Destruction Arts]

Innate ability/s(Racial skills): [Adaptability]

Active skills: Breaking Punch,

Passive skills: Martial Arts,

Resistances: Destruction Tolerance,

Magic: Destruction Magic,

Unique Magic: None

Extras: Blessing Of The Divine Of Destruction]

"How rare... Valkyries are very few in between, and the fact she's a hero only adds to that... Congratulations young woman." The royal adviser commented as he smiled at the results.

In contrast to the previous response, this time around it was more so a positive atmosphere. As many nobles praised her in the background.

"Finally an actual hero who serves as proof that the efforts of the kingdom were not in vain. Let us cheer for our first hero in many years. Praised be Heather, the otherworlder!" Someone in the noble crowd yelled.

"For the future, we can hope, as one in which we can put our trust has risen!"

"If the necromancer is to go rogue, we can at least have some hope that a hero will be there to stop him."

"The first sliver of light in our dark-looking future, truly a reason for celebration. It's only a pity that only the woman has shown any promise thus far."

Uninterested in the shower of praise, Heather went back to her place, and the silence began to settle as Leopold followed and moved to the pedestal, placing his hand on the sphere seeming rather calm already, and being the fasting to make the status screen appear thus far.

[Status Screen]

[Name: Leopold Dalvi Heartfield
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Male
Species: Human | Sub-Species: Earthling
Affinity: Neutral, Light, Life
Bloodline: Ismene Lineage
Physique: Ismene Body
Level: 1
Exp: 0/50
Titles: Reincarnated Individual, Otherwolder
Job: Hero
Class: Swordman
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 15
Magic: 15
Willpower: 15
Agility: 15
Charisma: 92
Luck: 50

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