Chapter 7: Securing An Instructor

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It was a tense atmosphere and Alaric felt his breath being taken away from him, things were blurring out and he could feel the weight of whatever happened next to him already, but no matter the outcome, it would greatly affect him from this point on.

"Honestly, I don't think it's too bad of an idea, but you're going to have to talk to your mother about it first... Oh, and no worries, I still remember what I said last time and it still stands, but she really wanted to talk to you before anything was done." Dad couldn't help but smile awkwardly as she gave him an apologetic look.

"Fine, it's not like there's a way around it. Can you at least tell me, where I can find her? " He asked despite already having an idea of what the answer was, better safe than sorry after all.

"Well, around this time of day it's most likely the bakery, if not try checking her office. Anyway, you can come back to me once you're done talking with her and we'll take care of this." She smiled in a way that said, you can do it, and I was already sure of what awaited me.

"Thanks and don't worry, dad. I'll be back in a few minutes." He reaffirmed that he was not backing down on this one.

Having no more to do there, for now, he left Dad in her office to get work. Immediately his attention was put on finding Mom, so he first went to her office which was the closest location, and as expected she wasn't there. Like Dad said, Mom was usually at the bakery at this time of day.

Confirming he was not going to have to come back, he headed to the bakery, aptly named Sweet Desire's Pastries.

Unlike on earth cakes didn't seem to be a thing here yet, but pies, tarts, chocolate, bread, and a bunch of things that he saw for the first time in this world like sluns, which is a slime-based dessert that feels like the equivalent of stuffed gelatin or Nymph water, which is just basically soda, very expensive soda.

Plus, if his Absolute Fantasy knowledge applies here, Nymph water, is literally 60% Nymph bath water.

Eventually, He saw a relatively big one-story building with yellow walls and the name of e the bakery written in pink on a wooden sign, and a bit under hanging on the door the wooden opened sign with the same color.

""Welcome! To Sweet Desire's Pastries, how can we make your day sweeter, today?"" Two young cute girls recited at the same time as soon as he entered the bakery and met him with business smiles.

Those were his two older sisters currently living with him. Lilian and Crystal, respectively 2 and 3 years older than him.

"As much as that sounds tempting, I'm not here for that today. So, where's mom? I need to talk to her." Alaric asked walking up to them.

"Tch! It's just you... Yeah, that's not happening right now, so you can crawl back to your cave room or whatever." Crystal snorted and lost the smile immediately upon realizing it was him.

"Hi! It's nice to see you again. You really should leave your room more often, otherwise, you'll never get a wife with that kind of antisocial attitude." Lilian on the other hand now had a more sincere smile and even waved at him quite frenetically.

"It's nice to see both of you too, and I can assure you that I'll be leaving my room more often. As for seeing mom, what's going on? Why can't I?" He crossed his arms and looked at both of them back and forth expecting an answer.

Crystal rolled her eyes and gave him no response.

"Well, while Mom, Grandpa, and Grandma were in the kitchen working on baking, Grandpa was clumsy and she ripped a whole flour bag and spread flour everywhere.

"Grandma wouldn't stop nagging her, she was so mad that Mom had to stop them. They told us nobody was allowed in the kitchen until they come out. So yeah, it might be better if you come some other time." Lilian leaned in as she used the bakery's counter to support her torso, retelling the story with various gestures and expression reenactions.

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