Prologue 5: A System

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It was at that moment that a multidimensional cubic structure came floating toward him while he was meditating and merged with him without Alaric noticing.

[What is it that you desire?] A mechanical voice resounded in Alaric in such a natural manner that it was easy to not feel anything weird about it.

(What is this... weird, for some reason I feel compelled to answer... Something is off...) He concluded but it was already too late.

"Desire? Huh?... If I could I would like to see it all, not just the world... Hahaha! Maybe I could even become a ruler... But would someone like me even be a proper ruler? I guess that's all I want. Man, I kind of have trash desires, don't I?" Alaric could help but laugh at his own desires as he let his thoughts out into the void.

[Your desires, have been made achievable.]

[Welcome to the Lustful Harem Ruler System]

Unlike the first message with the two next ones, Alaric immediately opened his 'eyes' wide as he noticed what was going on.

"Holy sh*t! Wait a second is this-." Before he could even react to the new development in his 'life', a new message popped up.

[Creating new path for Master... Adapting path to master's desires... Processing...]

It was then that the Galaxy space was left behind as the scenery once again changed for him.


A new scenery took place around Alaric, as the vast sea of galaxies, was replaced by a never-ending white, having not a single figure there except a woman standing right in front of him. It was a deja vu for him.

(This place again?!... but who is that woman? She's not Luminesa, so who is she?) He questioned immediately as he looked around in part used to being thrown to a whole new place without warning.

"It seems a new soul has arrived... Oh my, there's even this aura I've never seen before around you." The woman leaned closer to him for observation, before a small smile formed and she licked her own lips before continuing. "You know what, do you want to make a deal with me?" she asked her hand extended to him.

(She doesn't even introduce herself and just asks for a deal? What's wrong with that?) Alaric was not impressed after the experiences he had with these so-called "Gods".

This prompted Alaric to look around, but he once again found nothing aside from the white space surrounding them just like the last time.

A sigh left his mouth and he turned to the woman before saying. "Sorry, but before anything else could you tell me what's going on?" He inquired.

As he looked at her, Alaric noticed that this woman had a figure and aura he found attractive, not that he had fallen in love with her at first sight or anything like that, just that she was captivating.

She had a dark-skinned tall figure like none Kymani had seen before, if he had to guess he would probably estimate her to be around 3 to 4 meters tall, a true giant woman, and something about that made Kymani's heart race but rather than in excitement, it was anxiousness that filled him.

Her long silvery hair looked silky and smooth almost too smooth if it weren't for its curly wavy style, Kymani would wonder if it wasn't made of glass or maybe even liquid. Eyes as golden as the purest of gold, if not more accompanied by silvery eyelashes and eyebrows reminiscent of her hair, a nose small but strong and imposed, and small lips with a natural pinkish glimmer to them.

All of it followed by a curvy hourglass-like body, perky breasts that despite not being big for her physique, were very standoffish due to her very light white dress, which resembled those of Greek Goddesses in style, a dress that was almost glued to her body that from what Kymani could see had no underwear or at least no bra.

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