Chapter 1: New Life, New Beginning, New Me

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(It worked, I'm right where I wanted... Well, I didn't expect to be here before I came to be, but this is a great place to start training for magic. After all, I choose to start in a magic world.

(It also seems my memories merged with that of the character Alaric... it's weird... But I am still me... Oh well, I'm sure it will be fine, after all, I met around 5 Gods, and that Lady who claimed to be the Supreme Goddess. I'm bound to reach great heights!) Alaric enjoyed the situation, as it had all gone according to plan.

Once he gained access to the choice to rewrite the game's background and his own background into overwriting reality, he felt like this opportunity was way too good to be true, but it was.

Even though there were still limitations to what he could do, he managed to set up his background so he would come from a great family, and be an Otherwolder as they got extra bonuses.

After that, he made sure to meet as many Gods as possible for connections, and again, bonuses, though meeting with the so-called Supreme Goddess was outside his plans, it was still a plus. Aside from that, he set up a cosmic event to take place in the near future for even more power.

However, he didn't account for how the things he wanted would be granted, and it was not what he expected though he got what he wanted.

(I should have been more specific, a lot of details I didn't plan for, got added to my background and the character made a bunch of deals I didn't really want, but then again, they will make the Gods like me more and that's beneficial.) He was a bit surprised thinking back on his new memories from the merger with his character.

This situation was bound to get a bit complicated, but it was not something he was afraid of as someone who understood Absolute Fantasy: Endless Possibilities deeply, he was sure of himself and his success.

(All in all, it's still fine as I decided not to alter the world background from the one in the game, aside from a cosmic event since it's easier that way when I have an idea of what's out there or coming.

(Characters and major events should still happen within the scope of my understanding even if they change, and most importantly, I already understand the supernatural elements at play, this way.

(I'll be unstoppable by the time I'm an adult in this world, which should be around 14 years old... maybe 18 if I don't have much talent, but I'll get there either way! Time to start!) Alaric celebrated being able to make the most of his own setup for victory, there was no stopping him.

It was time for Aralic to start making his mana link. In the Absolute Fantasy: Endless Possibilities world, to be able to use magic on the most basic of levels, one must first create a mana link.

A connection between themselves and the magical energy known as mana, allows them to communicate their intentions and commands into it. Kind of like how certain programs work with some coding languages, one needs a mana link to work with mana.

Magic is basically a programming language, but one that has too many variants, and way too much flexibility for it to be easily understood by beginners since it's very easy to get lost or misunderstand some of its rules.

For example, there are 3 main ways to cast a spell, those being magicraft, which is the idea of using magic circles to cast magic spells.

Chanting, which is the most common, as the method of using words to help one focus on the proper visualization of the spell.

There are two categories of chants, complete or full chants and shortened or simplified chants, their names being quite self-explanatory.

Last, there is silent casting, mute casting, or chantless, the advanced casting technique of simply using one's mind as the vessel for the whole process of the spell, not only is it the fastest casting method it is also the hardest to master, as most avoid using this method unless they are facing equally dangerous opponents since more often than not spells come out weaker than using the other methods.

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