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previously in reden...

— It was definitely an illusion Engel...- Bill says, throwing himself back, resting his elbows on the ground - An unforgettable illusion - The eldest says, and I nod, looking at him.

in this chapter...

— If it was an illusion why insist on the lie? - I ask, looking at Bill, who lets out a laugh turning to me looking at me

— Have you ever fallen in love before? - Bill asks and I shake my head, looking at him - Well, when we fall in love, we pray for all our illusions to come true - Bill says, and I sigh crossing my arms.

— But Billy... it won't become true, we all know that Anne and Tom will end up together, there's nothing we can do, even though I haven't fallen in love, I know very well that if we live in illusion... our feelings get lost in reality - I say seriously looking into his eyes, and honestly, what perfect brown eyes.

— Well, for a fourteen-year-old girl, you're pretty smart Ceci - Bill says, giving a little squeeze to my cheek and then getting up to enter the van - Come on, I'll take you home - Bill says and I quickly get up entering the van with the elder

I might be fourteen, but I knew this whole love triangle story between the twins and my sister wasn't going to end well, we know when the chosen person is, and definitely Bill wasn't the chosen one in all this.

— How many times have you fallen in love? - I ask looking at Bill while he drives and the elder soon stops at the closed traffic light

— Twice - Bill says soon looking at me with a smile on the side - One at eleven and... now - Bill says, starting to drive again and I pay attention to the road again

— Who was the first one? - I ask

— Mônica - Bill says still driving - She was Tom's girlfriend first and then she was my girlfriend, we dated for a short time, but I really fell in love with her - Bill says and I weakly smile looking at him

— And then she cheated on you... - I say looking at him who looks at me quickly

— Did you know about Mônica? - Bill asks intrigued looking back at the road

— I'm your fan, remember? - I say making the elder laugh and soon we arrive at my house, where he parks the van in front of the door

— You're delivered Miss Cooper - Bill says turning off the car and I soon release my seatbelt

— I know I'm practically a kid but, life isn't a fairy tale that always has a "happily ever after" in the end Billy, and even if there are many monsoons to go through with the loved one it won't always be you and her...

— Are you quoting "monsoon" to me? - Bill asks smiling on the side and I nod

— Sometimes we need to use our own metaphors for people to understand the message, but the point is... we don't depend on fictional stories and beautiful songs to be happy, but on our choices - I say looking into the eyes of the elder who nods looking at me

— Thank you for that Engel - Bill says approaching soon giving a little kiss on my cheek and I soon hold my breath looking at the elder

— You're welcome - I quickly get out of the van and soon run into the house exhaling completely once I close the door, completely out of breath - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HIHIHIHIHIHIHI - I give several mini jumps while screaming through the house, having a complete freakout over Bill's kiss, Bill Kaulitz on my cheek

Was I living a dream again?

Hours later I was alone at home again, Anne had a party to go to with the guys from Tokio hotel and obviously I had absolutely nothing to do, when you put a fourteen-year-old alone at home, several ideas come to mind, and mine? Well...

— Are you sure about this, Ceci? - Bia asks, holding her flashlight in front of the boys' agency, and I nod.

— Do you have a better idea? - I ask, looking at her, who shakes her head - Then let's go - We enter the boys' agency without making the slightest noise, and soon we turn on the lights.

— Wow... - Bia says, and I smile, looking at her.

— Do you smell that? - I say, closing my eyes and smelling the air in the place.

— What? - Bia asks, and I smile.

— The smell of freedom, come on - We go in, entering all the rooms and taking photos with all the boys' stuff.

Soon I enter the twins' room and look around, the place was large and the room was divided in half, one side for Tom and the other side for Bill, it was clearly possible to tell which side was which.

— The bandanas... - I say, opening the drawer on Tom's side and seeing all the collections of bandanas the elder had.

— Have you seen the bracelets? - Bia says on Bill's side, seeing all their accessories, and I soon smile, seeing everything.

— We need to take some of these things - I say, looking at her, who disagrees.

— Ceci, literally Bill and Tom would give you one of these things if you asked - Bia says, and I close the drawer, looking at her.

— True, I know them now - I say, laughing, and then we hear a noise by the door.

— Who's there? - Bia whispers to me, and I put my hand on her mouth.

— Dude, did Tom really kiss Anne on that counter? - We hear Georg's voice from the hallway, and I quickly hide behind the door.

— In front of everyone, sure it's gonna be tomorrow's headline - Gustav says, and I quickly glance at Bia, signaling to the window, and she shakes her head.

— Just go... - I whisper to her, and she quickly walks to the window - That's it... - When she's almost at the window, she kicks one of Tom's skateboards and makes a loud noise.

— Shit - She says.

— You idiot - I say, looking at her.

— Who's there? - We hear Georg's voice, who then opens the door and turns on the light, coming face to face with us - Cecilia...

— Who's there? - Gustav says, entering right after, and Bia and I quickly wave, smiling at them.

— Hi - We say in unison, looking at the elders.

— Come on, I'll take you home - Georg says, leaving the room, and I quickly give Bia a deadly look.

— Aren't you gonna ask what we were doing here? - I say, following Georg out of the agency, who shakes his head.

— You're not the first fans to break in here, and you won't be the last either - Georg says, looking at both of us.

— I'm sorry, we know it was irresponsible - Bia says, looking at Georg, who smiles.

— I'll give you a discount because you're Anne's sister - Georg says, opening the car door for both of us - Get in, it's getting late - Georg says, and soon Bia and I get into the car.

Being Anne's sister worked for something...

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