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Previously in Reden...

I long to love Bill Kaulitz freely...

In this chapter...

Days passed, and I was shattered. I no longer found joy in anything at all. I was at my grandma's house and, with that, I skipped school for the whole week, saying I was sick, and I really was sick. I cried every day, every hour, every minute, every second of my time.

–Come on, Fia, get up and go get some sun, hm?" My grandma says, poking me, and I sit up in bed, looking at her. "Goodness gracious," she exclaims, startled to see me. "Are those dark circles or panda eyes?" Esmeralda says, and I quickly get up.

–I can't sleep well," I say, heading to the bathroom to splash some water on my face.

–At least you're still taking showers," she remarks, and I nod, tying my hair back.

–I'll go take the sun you asked for," I say without any enthusiasm, heading to the exit door.

I didn't want to leave the house. I didn't want to bask in the sun. I just wanted my life to go back to normal. That's all I wished for the most.

After a while, I return home and come across Tom sitting on the couch. As soon as he sees me, he smiles and comes over to me.

–Hey, little mouse, I knew I'd find you here," he says, hugging me, and I immediately return his hug.

–Hi, thanks for looking for me," I say, sitting next to him, and he soon takes my hand.

–Bill told me what happened. It's amazing how we both broke up with our girlfriends at the same time," Tom says, laughing, and I furrow my brow.

–You and Anne broke up?" I ask, intrigued.

–Yes, she cheated on me with Bill," he says, sighing deeply, and I quickly swallow.

–Again?" I ask.

–Again..." he says. "But this time it was worse because I witnessed them having sex in my bed, and it wasn't the best scene to witness," Tom says, and I hang my head, nodding.

–They deserve each other," I say, looking into his eyes.

–He said you kissed another guy behind his back," Tom says, and I nod. -You should've slept with him, Cecilia... honestly..." Tom says, running his hand over his forehead.

–I don't want my first time to be with Hedgar,- I say, looking into his eyes.

–You still haven't slept with anyone, Fia?- Tom asks, and I shake my head.

–No, didn't even have time, we broke up shortly after,- I say, letting out a small laugh.

–You don't know what you're missing,- Tom says, looking into my eyes, and I cross my arms.

–What am I missing?- I ask, intrigued, and he smiles smugly.

–Just imagine with me,- he says, turning to me. "Every touch on your body..." he says, running his large hands over my thighs, looking into my eyes as he gets closer. -Whispers in your ear, desiring you...- he says, laying me down on the couch and getting on top of me. -Gentle touches making you shiver more and more...- he says, running his cold hand inside my oversized sweatshirt, finding my waist. –Kisses on your lips with desire and lust...- he says, then kissing my lips, leaving me in a trance. -They descend to your neck...- he says, kissing my neck. -Fingers finding paradise...- Tom says, putting his hand inside my shorts, finding my intimacy and massaging it. -You start asking me not to stop...- I close my eyes, feeling the pleasure. -And I will never stop... even if you beg...- Tom says, close to my lips, and I quickly open my eyes, looking into his. -That's what you'd be missing...- Tom says, giving me a peck on the lips that makes me ask for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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