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Previously in Reden...

— You're right - I say, chuckling weakly - Okay, let's shower together.

In this chapter...

Bill and I enter the bathroom and start undressing. I confess that Bill had already seen me practically naked; I really had nothing more to hide, but him... I had never seen his body naked, I didn't even imagine what it would be like. Call me saintly, immaculate, whatever, but I had only seen a penis in biology class in a drawing in the textbook; I had no idea what it looked like, its color, or size. I also confess that while Bill undressed in front of me, I stared more at his body than he did at mine. It was almost funny. When Bill finally went to take off his underwear, I turned my head and started taking off my bra. I was embarrassed. Bill was the first in everything in my life.

— Shall we? - Bill asks, giving me a peck on my bare shoulder, and I shiver at his gesture.

— Of course - I smile, finishing taking off my clothes, and we quickly enter the shower, closing my eyes feeling the water fall all over my body and face. I run my hand over my face, removing the water, and then my eyes meet Bill's, who still had his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of the warm water on his body. I take the opportunity to look down at his neck, collarbone, abdomen, and his beautiful tattoo that I had only seen in photos. Soon, I find myself facing his member. I confess that when my eyes found it, I didn't blink anymore, swallowing hard as I observed the larger man's intimate part, and unconsciously I end up biting my lower lip.

— Engel? - I hear Bill's voice calling me, and I quickly raise my gaze, looking at where I should have been looking all this time: Bill's face. - Are you okay? - He asks, laughing lightly, and I nod.

— Y-yes, I'm fine - I say, taking the soap and starting to lather myself. Bill then takes the soap from my hand and starts running it over my neck, down my shoulder, and collarbone.

— The soap is the pencil... - Bill says, running the soap down my waist - ...that's outlining a beautiful drawing. - Bill speaks, looking at his hand holding the soap, which was sliding over my body, then his eyes meet mine, and I swallow hard again. Then, he leans closer to my face, obviously to kiss me.

— Wait... - I say when I feel something hitting my belly, and I lower my face, seeing that it was Bill's member, which was, let's say, excited. I start laughing, looking at him, and then I put my hand over my mouth, giggling.

— It wasn't supposed to happen - Bill says, embarrassed but laughing with me, and we start laughing together - it's hard to control, okay? - Bill says, and I nod.

— I believe you - I smile, and in a quick movement, Bill picks me up, and I immediately run my thumb over his lips, looking directly into his eyes - Your lips would look beautiful with two labrets, one on each side...

— The labret thing is kind of Tom's thing... - Bill says, looking into my eyes, and I smile, looking at the taller man and then kissing him under the water. I quickly felt the cold wall hitting my back as we kissed, his hand wandering over my body during the kiss, his kisses descending to my neck and back to my lips - You're insane, Cecilia.

I look into his eyes, admiring every part of his face, and then I smile, running my hand over his cheek.

— You should go out more without makeup; you're incredibly handsome - I say, looking into his eyes, and he smiles weakly.

— I'm very much in love with you, Cooper - Bill says, looking into my eyes, and I smile foolishly, looking at the taller man.

— Say it again... - I say close to his lips.

— I'm in love with you - Bill says, bringing me closer, which made me feel his bulge close to my intimacy, which made me a little startled - I can't wait for every inch of me to be inside you - Bill says hoarsely, looking into my eyes, and I smile back, kissing him again.

The feeling of being naked in Bill Kaulitz's arms is unique and completely chaotic, but he gave me immense security. I knew that even though he had the opportunity to do whatever he wanted with me in that shower, he would never do it. Bill makes me feel unique; for the first time, I feel like someone loves me, or is starting to love me the right way...

He separates our lips, and then he puts me down, but I keep looking into his eyes. He kisses me again, and my hand rests on his abdomen, but it wanders over his back, waist, abdomen again, and then I slowly move my hand down a little more during the kiss, but Bill holds it, looking into my eyes with our lips apart. Then I smile slightly, and he releases my wrist, and finally, my hand finds his intimate part. I kiss him again while moving my hand down there, and to help me with the movements, Bill holds my hand, showing me how it's supposed to be done, and I quickly catch on. He presses our foreheads together, looking into my eyes as he breathes heavily against my lips.

— Ceci... - He breathes my name, then he takes his hand to my intimacy, starting to stimulate it at the same speed as my actions.

I smile slightly, looking into his eyes; this was definitely the best shower of my life...

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