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Previously on Reden...

"They're tired, I need to go take a shower," I say, giving him a peck on the lips and quickly walking inside the house.

In this chapter...

Upon arriving home, I go to my room and head straight to the shower, starting to take a relaxing bath while feeling the water flow over my body, washing away all the saltwater.

"We climb the mountains..." I hum in the shower while lathering up, and then I notice the door being opened, making me jump in surprise.

— Ceci — I hear Anne's voice, and I quickly breathe a sigh of relief, opening the shower door and looking at her. — I was worried, why didn't you want to go to the interview? — Anne asks, sitting on the toilet seat, and I continue lathering up.

— I had cramps, and they were really strong, so I decided not to go, I was going to stay backstage anyway — I say, turning the shower back on, letting the water rinse me.

— It would've been important for Bill — Anne says, and I quickly close the shower, looking at her confused. Why was she talking about Bill? — You two are very close friends, and it would've been good for him to have support — Anne says, and I nod.

— I know, but it's important for me to take care of myself first — I say, looking at her while drying myself with the towel.

— You're acting strange — Anne says, and I sigh. — Did something happen between you and him? — Yes, we almost had sex.

— No, it's just PMS — I say, opening the bathroom door to change, and she follows me.

— Are you in love with someone? — Damn it, did Tom and Anne decide to interrogate me together?

— Why would I be? — I say, getting dressed and then looking at her.

— Intuition, I'm your sister, whether you like it or not, I know when you feel something for someone — Anne says, and I sit on the bed, drying my hair with the towel.

— No, there's no one I'm in love with — I say, and she nods, looking directly at me.

— For a moment, I thought you were interested in Bill — Anne says, and I look at her and nod.

— I'll always be interested in Bill, he's my idol — I say, then I look back at her.

— I'm saying in a different way, I thought you were falling for him... — Anne says, and I turn to look at her.

— I'm not, but what if I were? — I ask intrigued. — Besides the age difference, of course, what would be the problem? — I ask, intrigued.

— Ceci, he was into me, you know, it would be weird... — Anne says, and I furrow my brow.

— And you're dating his twin brother, what could be weirder than that? — I say, looking at her.

— It's different, you know that Bill... well, he... well, he said he had strong feelings for me, even when I was already dating Tom — Anne says, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

— Anelise, are you hearing yourself? — I ask, looking at her. — First, if you're dating Tom, you shouldn't care about who's interested in Bill or not, and second, strong feelings? They disappear, I know that very well when I fell in love with Hedgar, it was a very strong feeling and it disappeared, it's gone, it's over, just because Bill said he loved you, doesn't mean he still loves you now, and besides... would you be happy with that? — I ask seriously, looking at her.

— No, of course not.

— Yes, of course, Anne, you'd love it if Bill kept chasing after you to feed that shitty ego you have, every guy in the world has to love Anelise Cooper, or you'll never be happy, right? — I spit the words in her face, and she looks at me seriously, after all, she was talking about my boyfriend, my Bill Kaulitz. — You've become empty since Christian cheated on you, haven't you?

— Don't bring Christian into this, he has nothing to do with it — Anne says, looking into my eyes, and I nod.

— Then don't bring Bill into this, he has nothing more to do with your life, Anelise, focus on your boyfriend, who is now Tom — I say, avoiding her, leaving the room and heading to the backyard to get some air and look at the scenery.

Anne knew how to hit my weak spot when she wanted to, and she knew that Bill was mine, one way or another, she knew, and always had known.

— I found you — Bill appears in the backyard, and as soon as I see him, I get up, walking towards him and hugging him around the waist, my ear was right where his heart was beating.

— Can I ask you something? — I say, lifting my face to look into his eyes, and he quickly brushes my bangs away from my face, caressing it afterwards.

— Anything you want — He says, smiling weakly, and I nod.

— Do you still feel something for Anne? — I ask, for peace of mind, I didn't want to have any doubts about anything.

— How could I feel something for her, having you in my life, Engel? — Bill asks, staring into my eyes intently.

— What does that mean? — I ask, looking at him, and he smiles slightly.

— It means I love you — Bill says, looking into my eyes, and I open a huge smile, looking at him.

— Say it again... — I say, smiling foolishly, and he laughs softly.

— I love you, Engel — Bill says again, and I stand on my tiptoes.

— I love you, Billy — I say, then kissing him as he holds my waist, returning the kiss.

REDEN | English versionWhere stories live. Discover now