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previously on network...

Being Anne's sister served some purpose...

in this chapter...

The next day I wake up to an incessant ringing in my ears, seriously the doorbell was being massacred, it really made me get out of bed but it scared me too much

— I'm coming! - I say, descending in pajamas all disheveled and then I open the door only to come face to face with Bill - Billy? - I say, looking at the taller guy

— Can I come in? - He asks, and I immediately make way for him to enter and then close the door behind him

— What happened? - I ask, looking at him as he puts his hands in his pockets and then sits on the couch

— Remember when you told me that if I lived in illusion my feelings would get lost in reality? - Bill asks and I nod, sitting down next to him

— Of course - I say, looking at him as he sighs while looking at me

— Tom and Anne are officially together now - Bill says, and I furrow my brow, looking into his eyes - But I'm still in love with her, and it hurt me a lot to see her with him yesterday, I tried to give all the support and everything, I pretended to support it - Bill says, looking into my eyes and I sigh

— Bill, I'm sorry to tell you but you're very stupid - I say, looking into the taller guy's eyes - Everyone from the beginning knew that Anne and Tom belong to each other, why try to steal Anne from Tom? - I say, looking into his eyes

— I didn't steal Anne from Tom at any moment, Cecilia - Bill says, and I nod

— When you have two lions and you're the hare, who's going to get hurt? - I ask, looking at the taller guy who nods

— I thought you would help me and not offend me - Bill says, standing up and I soon stand up too

— Offend you? - I say, looking at him

— Since when did idiot become a compliment? - Bill says, and I take a deep breath

— Telling the truth in certain situations is not offending, there are so many girls in the world and you had to fall in love with the girl your brother fell in love with first - I say, looking at the taller guy

— Tom doesn't fall in love with anyone, Ceci - Bill says, irritated, looking into my eyes and I weakly laugh

— Then why is Anne with him and not with you? - I say, looking into the taller guy's eyes - You got yourself into a situation that would clearly get you hurt, Bill come on? Do you really think Anne would choose you over Tom? - I say, looking into the taller guy's eyes

— Does that mean Tom is better than me? - Bill says, licking his lips, and I sigh, putting my hands in front of my mouth

— Bill, you're not what Anne wants, that's the point, you're an amazing person and my sister is a confused person, she's not good for you, and honestly, thank goodness you didn't end up with her because even just kissing her, you already got hurt, imagine if you did something more - I say, looking into the taller guy's eyes and then I approach, putting my hand on his face and looking into his eyes

— It's horrible not to be chosen by the person we like - Bill says, looking into my eyes and I soon climb onto the couch and extend my arms, Bill soon understands and comes to me, hugging me, I was taller than him so I fit him in my arms

— Remember when I said I never fell in love? - I ask and he nods - It was a lie, until last year I fell madly in love with Hedgar, and he chose Bia, my best friend - I say this and Bill soon lifts his face looking at me - I know exactly what you're feeling

— A-and... what did you do afterwards? - Bill asks with his arms around my waist and I sigh

— Well, I fell in love with you - I say, looking into the taller guy's eyes who widens when I laugh - You from Tokio Hotel, I fell in love with the band, I'm not in love with you in real life - I say, looking into his eyes as he weakly laughs

— So I need to turn that passion into something else - Bill says and I nod looking at him

— Can we distract ourselves together, what do you think? - I ask, looking at the taller guy who smiles

— I'm totally in Engel - The taller guy says smiling and I soon jump off the couch

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