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Previously on Reden...

Something tells me Anne didn't go to the market to buy milk...

In this chapter...


The daily life was super busy, I didn't even have time to properly talk to my girlfriend. Silas was pushing me for new songs, and the whole band was going crazy with everything. I stayed up until late at the recording studio trying to come up with something cool for the album, but it was completely difficult. I hated this feeling of being insufficient. I was enough for the band and for Silas, but what about Ceci? I had put her aside because of work, and I wasn't okay with that at all.

— Plays from the last verse of Reden - I tell the boys who immediately nod and start playing

— Princess? - Tom says as soon as the door opens, it was Anelise, she had a completely angry face and was staring at me - What are you doing here? We are composing...

— Not now Tom, I have a serious matter to resolve with Bill- Anne says, looking at me intently and I immediately frown.

— What do you want to talk to me about? - I say and then the little girl slaps me in the face, which made me open my eyes wide looking at her again, I was super confused and besides, my face was hurting now.

— Anne! - Tom pulls her away from me and then stands in front of her

— Get out of my way Tom- Anne speaks but Tom doesn't obey

— I'm not going to let my brother be beaten like that, what the fuck is going on? - Tom says, looking into the younger girl's eyes, and I soon understood why she was like that, it was because Ceci and I were together.

— I kissed Ceci- I speak simplistically and then Tom turns to me and the boys are completely confused and shocked by the information, Anne lets out a light laugh that made me sigh, because knowing the little girl I knew the drama that was going to come- Me sorry Anne

- Sorry? You kissed a minor, Bill, she's fourteen years old and you were already of legal age when you kissed her, or rather, they caught you - Anne says, looking into my eyes and I nod - Do you realize what you did? Obviously not

— I'm sorry Anne, I messed up... it was an oversight that just happened- I say

—Did you miss the ball?- He asked indignantly

— Dude, you committed a crime - Georg says and I nod looking at him

— We're not in fucking Brazil where everyone gets hooked up, we're in Germany and if I wanted to, I'd report you and you'd go to jail - Anne says and I run my hand across my forehead, I needed to get rid of this situation as quickly as possible.

—It was just once Anne, it never happened again- I blatantly lie to the smallest

— The difficult thing is to do it the first time Bill, to do the second, third... thousandth is two times - You're right, now I'm dating her

— God... - Tom says, passing his hand over his forehead looking at me - Dude, where have you been? - Tom says, looking at me and everyone there was staring at me

— Okay, I fucked up everything, I ended up with a minor, I know the consequences, but Anne... - I say calmly, looking into the eyes of the minor who looks at me seriously - I really like your sister, I really like her... she's an amazing girl and I am completely, madly and madly in love with her

—She's a child Bill....-Anne tells me and I take a deep breath

— Under German law, yes, she is, but it doesn't change the fact that I like her.

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