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Previously on Reden...

Cecilia Cooper is very fragile, and her heart is too...

In this chapter...

The next day I woke up before Ceci opened her eyes, so I decided to let her sleep since she had a difficult night. I left the room and headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea for myself. Whether I liked it or not, I also had a tough night; taking care of children is complicated...

– Good morning, Bill said, appearing in the kitchen and heading towards the fridge. I turned to face him, leaning on the counter with a cup in my hand.

– What happened between you and the little mouse yesterday? I asked, taking a sip of my tea and grimacing because it was without sugar, then turned to add some.

– We talked, and ended up arguing... I don't know, she probably hates me now, Bill said simply, and I sweetened my tea before looking back at him.

– Does it have something to do with Anne? I said, and he looked at me confused.

– How do you know it's about Anne? He asked, stopping beside me to prepare his coffee.

– While she was crying... she said she hated Anne for ruining her fairy tale, I said, and Bill lowered his head, nodding.

– Do you know where she is? Bill asked, then looked at me. I nodded.

– She's sleeping in my bed, I said, taking another sip of my tea, and Bill looked at me seriously, stepping in front of me.

– She's what? He asked, and I sighed, putting the cup aside.

– I found her in tears yesterday, and I couldn't let her go like that, especially since it was very late, so she slept in my bed, that's all, I said, stepping away from him to grab some milk from the fridge.

– And did you sleep in the same bed? Bill asked, and I nodded.

– Did you want me to sleep on the ceiling? I asked, looking at him.

– You and her... there's nothing, right? Bill asked, and I chuckled lightly.

– I can't believe... I said, rolling my eyes and putting the milk back in the fridge.

– It was just a question, Bill said, and I stared at him with my hand on my hip.

– I have a girlfriend, Bill, I said seriously, looking into his eyes. And I know how much Cecilia means to you

. I would never touch her even if she asked me to, not to mention she's fourteen, and that's exactly why we argued last time. Even though I don't support the idea, I know how much she means to you. I would never touch Ceci, even if I were single, she was of legal age, and she wanted it, because I know you care about her, and I would never do that to my brother, I said, looking into his eyes as he swallowed hard.

— I realized that...I never apologized for having sex with Anne in Amsterdam- Bill says looking at me and I nod

—Yeah, you never asked...-I say playing with the cup, looking at it.

— I'm sorry for having sex with Anne that day, I was in love and I didn't think about you, somehow I thought I could be with her even if you were fighting, I'm sorry, I know I messed up like your twin brother , and I know you already loved Anne when it happened so I'm sorry, really, it was the biggest mistake I made with you- Bill says and I nod, looking into his eyes and then I get closer

— It was cool but... I understand your side - I say looking into his eyes and the older man immediately passes his hand over his face

— Ceci and I argued yesterday because she found out about the sex with Anne- Damn... now it made perfect sense, yeah, if I were Ceci I'd want to kill Anne too

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