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Previously on Reden...

I sent Anne to the Netherlands pissed off with Tom while Bill loves her?


In this chapter...

[70 days later]

It had been almost three months since Tokio Hotel started their tour. Obviously, Bill and I talked every day. He sent me a recording of the shows as soon as they ended and sang some parts while looking at the camera. He said it was to make sure that recording was really for me. I found it very cute. Every now and then, he called me, not always, but sometimes, or sometimes several times a day, it depended. I won't lie, I missed Bill. I felt completely alone without him.

Anne had been in the Netherlands for a few days, actually two days. I hadn't heard from her or Bill, but I knew her arrival hadn't been good because of the photo that leaked of Tom with two prostitutes in Paris. Well... it was obvious that was going to happen, right? I knew it?

I know Anne must be devastated right now. I hope Bill is consoling her, and everything works out. I know how much Anne likes Tom, and she doesn't deserve to go through all this. But I don't feel angry at Tom either. I know he was a jerk from the first time I heard the band. Well, I warned them, didn't I?

— The interview's starting - Bia says, flopping down on the couch next to me, and I immediately look at the TV.

— You know this interview is pre-recorded, right? - I ask, looking at her while grabbing some popcorn she had made.

— I know, but it doesn't change the fact that it's interesting - Bia says, and I smile, then watch the interview start.

[Interview - Paris, France]

E- We're here today with Tokio Hotel, welcome everyone *everyone applauds*

B- It's great to be here today

E- What do you think of France?

T- Very fun, you have lots of concert venues here

E- You mean cabarets, Tom? *Everyone laughs*

T- Exactly

E- Bill, what do you think of our cabarets?

B- Oh, I don't go to them, that's more my brother's thing. I prefer to enjoy a good restaurant

T- Tom eats food, and I eat other kinds of food *Everyone laughs*

E- You don't waste any time, Tom

T- Never

E- What would make you fall in love with someone? Tom?

T- To be honest, I'd need to figure out what the word "love" means first before putting it into practice

E- Interesting. Bill?

B- Like I told my best friend, love, to me, has no age, ethnicity, or gender. So, I would fall in love with anyone who sparked something interesting in me, something that makes me shine again

E- You said best friend?

B- Yeah, I did *He says smiling*

E- They say friendships between men and women don't exist

B- I don't know about that, all I know is she's my best friend

E- Is she German?

B- Actually, she was born in Brazil, but her father is German, and she lives in Germany. In fact, her German is even better than mine *He says laughing*

E- How did you meet?

B- She was my fan, and Tom had a fling with her sister, so we ended up meeting, and she gives the best advice. In fact, the solo you all love in "Pain of Love," credit goes to her. She had the whole idea for the solo, and it turned out amazing. So, she's become my best company, and my life has shone brighter since she arrived *He says smiling with each word*

E- She's very lucky, I believe. She was just a fan, and now she's your best friend

B- Girls like her deserve to have their dreams come true

E- And does she have a name?

B- I call her Engel. I believe she wants to remain anonymous

E- Engel, you're very lucky

[Interview ends]

After the interview ends, I realize I'm smiling at the TV like an idiot, thinking that Bill Kaulitz talked about me in an interview. This was surreal.

— Friend, hey - Bia nudges me, and I look at her.

— Bill... - I say, looking at the floor, then I look at her, eyes wide - BILL TALKED ABOUT ME ON TV - I jump on the couch with her, and we start jumping like two idiots.

Soon, Bia's phone rings, and she quickly picks it up.

— Hi, Mom... uh huh, okay... I'll be there soon... bye - Bia hangs up the phone and looks at me - I need to go now, but try not to kill yourself from freaking out, please.

— I won't - I say smiling, and she smiles back.

— Ich liebe dich, friend - She says "I love you" and leaves the house.

— Ich liebe dich - I say, then I flop back on the couch, looking at the TV with a paused image of Bill. I smile, remembering what he said.

A few minutes later, I hear someone ring the doorbell and I'm curious to know who it is. So, I get up and go to the door, then I open it.

— Hi Engel - Bill says when he sees me, and I immediately widen my eyes.

— Bill? - I ask, looking at the taller one.

— Can I come in?

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