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previously in reden...

— Thank you, Billy — I say as the older one puts an ice pack on the red mark on my arm, then sits in front of me, pulling me into a hug where I curl up in his lap, nestling into his arms.

In this chapter...

The next day, I returned home early, as soon as I entered and closed the door, I leaned my head against the door, looking at the floor. Even with the decision not to be without Bill, it would be very difficult to hide it now that everyone knows.

— Where did you spend the night? — I hear my sister's annoyed voice, and I quickly lift my head, looking towards her.

— I wasn't giving my pussy to Bill, relax, okay? — I say, heading towards the stairs.

— Cecilia, I don't accept you talking to me like that — Anne says, and I turn to her, chuckling weakly.

— Shut the fuck up for once in your life, Anelise. Wasn't the little show you put on in front of your boyfriend yesterday enough for you? — I say, looking at her as she crosses her arms.

— I've already said, I'm doing this for your own good — Anne says, and I chuckle weakly, looking at her.

— Stop being selfish, you're doing it out of jealousy, because Bill chose me, Bill loves me, and Bill is with me. Do you think separating us will change how we feel about each other? — I ask, approaching her. — It won't, because it's real, we love each other whether you like it or not.

— He's eighteen, Cecilia, and you've barely left pre-adolescence and want to date a rock star? — Anne says, laughing weakly. — Come on? It's lovely that you want to live out this story, seriously, typical teenage girl who falls in love with her idol and does everything to win him over in real life, but real life is completely different, did you know that? — Anne says, looking into my eyes.

— Wait, are you talking about me, or about you? — I ask, then smirk. — No, because you're also dating a rock star who technically cheated on you worldwide and you ran after him like a whore, too humiliating, your teenage adventure, huh, Anne? — I ask, looking into her eyes.

— Tom didn't cheat on me, we weren't together — Anne says, and I smile.

— That's right, use that as consolation for the horns in your pretty little head. You know, I think they're what's driving you completely insane, woman — I say, looking into her eyes.

— I'm trying to help you, the boys' career will go down the drain once they find out — Anne says, and I nod.

— And who's going to tell them? — I ask seriously, looking at her. — Who's going to tell them, Anne? Oh, right, I forgot I can't trust my own sister — I say, turning away.

— Trust? Want to talk about trust? — She says, and I turn back, stopping on the stairs.

— Yes, I do, because for the first time I opened up to you, I opened up about my fucking feelings and I needed guidance, and what did you do? You hit my boyfriend and me. You, Anne... acted just like Dad — I spit the words in her face, and she swallows hard, looking at me.

— Boyfriend? — Anne says, and I nod.

— Bill and I are dating, or we were... — I say, wiping the tear that fell from my face. — For the first time, I really felt happy, felt loved. He took care of me, treated me like a princess, and you... you... — I stutter, letting the tears come, then putting my hand over my mouth, trying to control myself.

— Ceci... — Anne says, approaching, and I recoil.

— Don't come near me — I say, looking into her eyes. — You're a monster — I say, going up the stairs. — And I'm going to spend a few days at our grandma's house — I say, already on the upper floor, heading to my room.

Today I finally met the sister I had...

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