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Previously on Reden...

— Can I come in?

In this chapter...

— Came back earlier? I thought the tour would only end in fifteen days...

— Actually, I came to Germany with a friend, but I'll be back to the Netherlands tomorrow - Bill says, and I nod.

— I see - I walk to the couch and sit down, motioning for him to sit, too. Bill sits next to me.

— You know Anne well, right? - Bill asks, and I nod.

— Yes, despite our fights, she's my best friend - I smile, and Bill smiles too.

— Why? - I ask.

— You know that I and her... well, I'm in love with your sister, and so is Tom. And I feel like she's going to end up choosing him, and I don't know if I'm ready for when that happens - Bill says, looking into my eyes, and I nod.

— Bill, can I be honest?

— Of course - he says.

— Anne has always been in love with Tom. They like each other, so she'll choose him. Don't delude yourself into thinking that just because you're his twin, she'll choose you - I say, looking at him.

— Wow, Ceci, you didn't need to be so direct - Bill says, chuckling weakly, and I laugh too.

— I'm sorry - I laugh, looking at him - But it's the truth, and everyone knows it. Anne and Tom are a couple. They just don't know they're dating yet. And despite Tom being an idiot many times... he really likes Anne... and Anne won't resist Tom - I say, looking at Bill, who nods.

— Yeah... I... you're right, they like each other - Bill says, crossing his arms and looking down, and I nod.

— Yeah, and if you keep investing in this one-sided relationship, you'll just sink further and further - I say, looking at him - And besides, you're Bill Kaulitz, there are a thousand girls wanting you - I say, punching his shoulder lightly, making him laugh.

— You're right - Bill says, looking into my eyes, and I smile at him - Your smile is identical to Anne's. In fact, you're identical to Anne... just smaller - Bill says, making me laugh, and I nod - I knew I shouldn't have wasted so much time with Anne. I really should have focused on you, as you asked - Damn. This was happening?

— Yeah, we're completely alike, but I'm the fun sister - I say, looking at him - What do you mean, focus on me? - I ask, intrigued, looking into his eyes.

— Well, you are... - Bill says - When do you turn fifteen again?

— In two months, November twenty-ninth - I say excitedly, looking at him - Oh, I need your help for the party. I want it to be a Vegas casino night.

— Ooh, I'd love to help you with that - Bill says excitedly, and I smile - I can bring the drinks if you want...

— Of course, I'd want that. Bring all the ones you think are good - I say, smiling, and he nods, looking at me.

— Count on me, babe - Bill says, and I smile.

— Ow! - I say, calling him over, and he looks at me - Let me tell you a secret... - He comes closer to me - Anne doesn't know she missed out on an incredible twin - I whisper in his ear, and he quickly moves away, looking into my eyes.

— We're incredible, Ceci - Bill says, looking deep into my eyes, and I stare back, wondering if he's getting closer...

Bill quickly gives me a quick peck on the lips, and I widen my eyes, looking at him in disbelief. Did he really just give me a peck? Bill Kaulitz just gave me a peck?

— Ceci, I'm really sorry - He says, running his hands through his hair, passing over his mouth, looking completely shocked - I'm sorry, I didn't think about it, I'll leave, I'm really sorry - Bill says, getting up and going to the door.

— Bill, wait - I say, getting up and going to him, standing in front of him, and then I swallow hard, standing on my tiptoes, putting my hand on his neck, pulling him into a kiss. I feel his hand on my waist, pulling me closer, continuing the kiss.

My first kiss had been with Bill Kaulitz...

As soon as we break apart from the kiss, Bill and I are both breathless. It had been my first kiss, and I had no idea how I had done, but feeling Bill's lips on mine, and his tongue piercing touching mine, made me want him even more. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. Bill and I were looking at each other, trying to understand and process what had just happened.

— Engel... um... - Bill says, close to my lips, caressing my waist, and I quickly put my hand on his face, then down to his chin, running my thumb over his lips.

— Kiss me again - I say, looking at his lips, and he smiles slightly, leaning in to kiss me again.

He quickly picks me up, carrying me to the couch, where he sits on top of me, and I stroke his neck while we kiss. Bill's tongue explores my mouth, and he finishes the kiss by pulling my bottom lip to him, making me smile, and then he kisses me again. We only stop when our breath runs out. Bill's hand wanders between my waist and thigh, giving gentle squeezes.

— Your sister is going to kill me... - Bill says, close to my face, and I smile all goofy, looking at him. I had never smiled like that before - You're so beautiful, Ceci.

— She might... but at least we've kissed already - I say, caressing his face, and I blush, feeling embarrassed by his compliment. My eyes were shining as I looked at Bill - You have no idea how many times I've dreamed of this moment - I say, and he quickly gives me a lingering peck.

— I've always felt something for you, just didn't want to admit it. I focused on the wrong sister - Bill says, running his hand over my waist.

— Now you're with the right one - I smile, and we kiss again.

I wasn't going to stop kissing Bill Kaulitz anytime soon...

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