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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ | a very garfield | ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

real life | los angeles
the garfield house
- december 1st, 2044

       THE GARFIELDS are a family of tradition. Especially when it came to the Holidays. They watched "The Princess Switch" movies when setting up the Christmas tree every year. Like true Hispanics (minus Andrew,) they waited until midnight every year to open gifts on Christmas. They go see Celeste perform in the Nutcracker every year.

If they were spending Christmas in Los Angeles. There was rotation for where the Garfields were for Christmas. One year in London to be with Ben and his family, the next year in Spain to be with Sophia's family, and the next in Los Angeles and if they were lucky, members from both sides of the family would fly out.

This year Christmas was in Los Angeles. Ben and his family would be flying out a few days before, and some of Sophia's cousins and their children would be joining them for New Years. The entire family was practically counting down the day.

Andrew grinned as Celeste and Sol playfully danced around the living room. Sophia had the camera out as she laughed while Estella was helping Lunalyn put the last of the ornaments on the tree.

"Darling, did you finish buying gifts for Ro, Oli, and Lynn already?" Andrew asked his wife and Sophia took another picture of her daughters.

"Lynn asked for a pair of sneakers, Oli— I got him a sweater, and Rosie, I put together a bunch of PR makeup in a nice basket." Sophia explained with a nod. "I'm pretty much done with almost everyone except the solar system for over."

The Garfield girls all laughed at their mother and Celeste smirked at her, "Speaking of which, I would a new pair of pointe shoes to save for later this year."

"Baby, who do you think you're talking to?" Sophia smirked at her youngest daughter, jokingly taking a picture with the camera. "You get a new pair of pointe shoes in your stocking every year."

"You know, this is the only time of the year where we act rich." Lunalyn joked and Andrew chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Just saying, not everyone in America gets vintage Miu Miu sunglasses in their stockings."

"Says Little-Miss-Chanel-Ambassador." Sol scoffed and Luna laughed.

"You're one to talk, Dolce & Gabbana's Golden Child." Estella giggled.

"Rolling Stones Cover Model!" Celeste called to her twin and Estella stuck her tongue out.

"I have to get a frame for that magazine so I can hang it up." Sophia framed before reaching for her phone to write it down.

"Okay, star time!" Luna announced as she placed the last ornament on the tree and Estella playfully did a spin.

Andrew got up from the couch and reached into the almost empty box of Christmas decorations. He carefully pulled out a box which contained the Garfield Christmas Tree-Topper. It was a gold star with a little Tinkerbell sitting on top, and Andrew and Sophia bought it the year they moved into the house.

Sophia set up the camera to record the entire family while Andrew handed the star to Celeste and the girl smiled at her father. Every year, it was alternated between the four Garfield girls who put the star on the tree.

"Ready?" Celeste smiled as she stood on a step stool so she could reach the top of the tree. She placed the star on the top, making sure it was secure before Lunalyn slowly plugged in the tree. The tree lit up the room and the family cheered, clapping before they all exchanged hugs.

real life | los angeles
the garfield house
- december 25th, 2044

      CHRISTMAS EVE was for the extended family. But Christmas morning was just for the Garfields. When the girls were younger, Sol would always be the first to wake up. She would drag her sisters out of bed before they would all run into Sophia and Andrew's room together.

Now that they were older, the house was still buzzing with energy. Sophia and Andrew would now get up first and get ready before starting to waking up the girls.

They always started with the stockings, even if Santa wasn't the one filling them anymore. Sophia had always done the stockings and Andrew would fill hers. When the girls were old enough, they started filling Sophia's stocking with things that reminded them of their mother.

There was some tradition to the stockings. Celeste got a pair of pointe shoes in hers ever since she started pointe because she always needed them. Sophia gave her a roll of pink ribbon in hers for the shoes as well.

In Lunalyn's, there was always a two-pack of Carmex Watermelon Lip-Balm. Actually, there was always lip-balm in everyone's stockings, but Lunalyn always got that one.

The girls' stockings always had hairties, and Celeste also got bobby-pins for her ballerina buns. Solana's included claw clips because whenever she wasn't at an event or a shoot, her hair was in a claw clip.

Estella always got a phone case in her stocking. It was a little tradition Sophia started when the girl got her first phone for Christmas when she was twelve. Sophia got her a new phone case every year in her stocking, and Estella wouldn't change her phone case until the following Christmas.

Besides the routine item, there was always makeup products, candy, snacks, and anything else Sophia could fit in the stockings. Andrew's was full of candy and snacks and whatever small Spiderman merch she could get her hands on because she thought it was hilarious.

Sophia's stocking, which was filled by Andrew and the girls, had candy and snacks as well. It also always had a card where the family expressed their appreciation for Sophia's hard work she did every year to make the holiday so magical.

One of Sophia's favorite gifts for the girls to shop for was clothes. Once the girls got a little bit older, Sophia started getting them each a piece of vintage clothing to add their closet, and the girls looked forward to it every year. Sophia loved doing it to. She loved hunting for pieces based on each or the girls' style. 

"Mami, I love!" Celeste yelled happily as she pulled a black and white dress from a box. The youngest Garfield showed her sisters, who were all looking curiously.

Sophia grinned as Celeste read the card her mother included that said the designer, year of the piece, and any other notes. "Sky, it's vintage Rodarte, from 2023. Ariana Grande wore the same design in a music video and it was very dancer-ballerina so I thought it was perfect."

"It is. Gracias, Mami," Celeste smiled, hugging her mother tightly.

"Estella, open this more!"

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- december 25th, 2044

•••social media | instagram- december 25th, 2044

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@sophialuna: A Very Garfield Christmas 🎄

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