Episode Four: I.mmediate M.urder P.rofesionals

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*Hey guys! We're back with another chapter for Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss crossover. This is published on March 11, 2024. If you guys like the episode/chapter, don't be afraid to vote and comment! That would be wonderful! Warning: Vulgar language. Enjoy!*

In the dark night, Velvette leads Vox and Valentino through the darker side of Pride Ring with the dark book in her hand.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Vox groans impatiently.

"Yeah, I got a studio to go back to. I have to make sure Angel is a good boy while I'm gone," Valentino responds with a puff of red smoke.

"I told you guys that this will take five hours to travel--holy shit, we're here," Velvette responds happily.

Vox and Valentino glance up to see a large castle on top of the hill, surrounded by the lake of fire. Down at the lake below, they witness sinner demons screaming in agony from swimming in the fire, unable to crawl out.

"Well, shit," Vox replies. "Let's not fall in there."

"That would suck," Valentino answers.

"Will you both shut up and let me focus? I have to get the Latin phrases right. Now, let's see," Velvette says as she flips through the book and begins to read the Latin words that will set Morrigan and Orais free once and for all.

"Morrigan et Orais, per nomen purum et bonum, e vinculis eternum te solvi!"

The orange chains around the castle breaks off after Velvette reads the words aloud. Once the chains disappear, the bright line shine in front of them.

"What the fuck?!" Vox shouts in confusion.

Velvette, Vox, and Valentino sees a tall woman, brown luscious hair draping behind her back coming out of the shining entrance. Her black horns pointy at the end. She has a navy blue shawl over her shoulders and a red skirt dress having round ends laced with white fabric. Yellow eyes stare at the overlords, her white tail with a pointy tip sway back and forth as she walks to her rescuers.

"Oh, shit, uh, hey. You must be Morrigan," Velvette speaks nervously as she puts the book away. "I love your outfit, girl. I mean, you look stunning in it."

"Only my husband can make that flattery," Morrigan responds coldly as she snatches the book. She leans forward, towering over Velvette and Vox, but at the same height as Valentino. "Who are you? Why have you set us free?"

Vox chuckles nervously. "Well, we're hoping that you can help kick the Radio Demon's ass."

"More than that though," Velvette says, trembling a bit nervously. "We need to take over Heaven and Hell."

"You had me at beating the Radio Demon," Morrigan responds to Vox's earlier statement. "Now, you've interest more about some kind of dominance over Heaven and Hell. Won't you three come in for some tea? I'm sure you have more to tell me in the castle."

The three of them look at each other and nod.

"Uh, sure," Vox speaks for them.

She turns around and goes up to her castle.

Vox leans over to whisper to the two others. "Is it bad that I'm hard right now?"

"Yes," Velvette answers.

"I'm kind of hard to," Valentino utters.

"C'mon, ya simps, let's not waste this opportunity," Velvette says, leading the men into the castle.

Morrigan opens the castle door, letting the three follow her inside. She takes her shawl off, revealing that she's wearing a black top. She walks further into the castle, unaware of Vox going harder at her taking off her blue shawl.

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