Episode Eight: Breaking Hearts

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*Hey guys, we're back with the new episode! This chapter/episode is published on March 25, 2024. If you guys like it, don't forget to vote and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Warning: Blood and swearing. Enjoy!* 

"Husk! Husk!!!"

Husk snaps his eyes open, choking of the dark green waters. He tries to swim up, but he feels like he's being overtaken by the green waters of Hell.

Once he's pushed underwater, he keeps seeing flashes of Angel getting choked by Val. He tries to swim towards the memory, attempting to rescue Angel until his vision turns green.

Husk wakes up with his vision green with a gasp. He sits up straight, noticing tentacles rising all around him. He tries to calm himself down, but his racing heartbeat isn't helping him. Before he can comprehend what's happening, he feels the sudden chains around his neck. The tentacles disappears into the ground.

Husk's vision is clear, no longer green. He flicks a glance at the chain and follows it up to Alastor, who's holding it.

"Evening, Husk. Having little night terrors, are we?" Alastor says, letting go the chains.

Husk sighs in relief and leans back against the headboard of the unfamiliar bed in Bee's mansion. The chains fade from his neck, leaning back more.

Alastor sits next to Husk as Husk finally calms down from his dream.

"I'm sorry," Husk responds. "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me."

Alastor keeps his sadistic grin. "You are experiencing powerful emotions lately."

"I was just having a dream this time," Husk growls mostly to himself.

"Dreams can bring powerful emotions," Alastor adds. "You know, you usually don't get emotional. What ails you, my feline friend? Is it your sweet sweet Angel again? Do I have to worry about him?"

"N-No," Husk answers with a stutter.

"Are you sure? He's affected your emotionality. He has grabbed that old wretched heart of yours and made it so damn soft," Alastor responds darkly. "He is making you act so reckless and stupid. Do I have to worry about him coming between you and me?"

"What? No. Not at all," Husk responds. "It's just...I don't know what's going on with me lately. Ever since Angel and I opened up to each other, I don't know. The more I got closer to him, the more I feel like I can't think straight. It gets to the point where I'm afraid whether I'll hurt Angel or Angel will hurt me. And that...scares me."

"It should," Alastor responds sadistically. "You really have change, old boy. Truly you have. Do I have to do something to Angel to not make you so emotional--?"

"Don't you fucking hurt him," Husk threatens, his eyes green for a second.

Alastor widens his eyes in shock at the sudden threat coming from Husk. Husk realizes he's threatening the one who owns his soul, letting the green in his eyes fade. When the green fades from Husk's eyes, Alastor relaxes.

With a huff of laughter, Alastor scoots off the bed. "Goodnight, Husker." Alastor walks away from Husk before adding, "By the way."

Husk perks his ears.

"Be careful of where you use your powers at. If you think breaking out of your chains is going to help your sweet Angel, you couldn't be anymore wrong. Have a good night, Husky~"

Husk gasps, his chest rising and falling rapidly. A sudden realization that maybe...just maybe...he may have put Angel in danger. Alastor won't hurt Angel if he's one of Charlie's friends. Or will Alastor care? Husk has so many questions at the unpredictability of his owner.

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