Episode Nineteen: The Last Stand

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*Hey guys! I'm back with another episode! The epilogue will be published after this and then the story is done! This is published on April 27, 2024. If you guys like this chapter/episode, don't be afraid to vote and comment! Warning: blood, gore, and vulgar language. Enjoy!*

The music starts up while Morrigan overlooks the castle, now messing with her new staff that has the angel's pure light inside of it. She feels a light shining on her back, as if it's burning her.


She turns to find the many eyes belonging to I Am staring at her with glares.

"You don't come down here often, do you?" Morrigan responds.

"It appears that Lucifer's creation has turned against him," I Am snarls, his fists clench. "But I'm afraid that you've gone too far."

"You're willing to save Hell?"

"No, I'm willing to put an end to your darkness. You've tortured the wayward souls enough on Earth. You've kidnapped my angels and sucked their powers. You've taken over the seven rings of Hell. Normally, I leave that to Hell to figure that out. But now that you've reached the Earth and Heaven, darkening the light that was created, you bet I will be fighting you and free the souls you trapped here. I've done it once. I can do it again."

Morrigan sticks her hand out in an attempt to control I Am's blood. However, I Am isn't phased by her control. He yawns and flicks his wrist as if he's looking at his imaginary watch.

I Am blinks his many eyes, giving her a deadpan stare. "Great. Now that we've wasted time with your first attack, it's my turn." With that said, I Am charges towards Morrigan against the window until she punches one of his eyes. He nearly stumbles back, but Morrigan pushes him against the wall, attempting to stab him with the end of her staff.

With a growl, I Am thrusts her against the wall next to him, giving him a chance to get on top of her.

"This needs to stop now," I Am snarls

"All heroes say that before they fall."

"I'm not like any hero." I Am throws her down on the floor, letting her bounce across the room.

I Am watches her stand up, giving her time to readjust.

"Another round?" I Am says with a glare.

Morrigan starts to chuckle darkly before shooting the ball of darkness at I Am.

Out of a quick reaction, I Am grabs the ball of darkness, transforming the ball of darkness to a ball of light. He shoots the ball of light back to her, but she teleports out of the way of the light.

I Am tackles her out of the room, flying in the air to throw her against the ceiling and then drag her across the wall downstairs. She shoots another ball of darkness, managing to get his stomach. He stumbles, letting her go to tumble down the stairs.

He stands on the stairs and she stands below him.

"You selfish arrogant being," Morrigan snarls. "You want the worship and prayers to be all centered on you. That makes you a narc."

"A narc?" I Am questions. "I've given my life. I will be happy to do it again. I am no 'narc'. You, my dear, are full of darkness. The darkness Lucifer has created before he's cast down to Hell. You and your husband. You two were the alternate versions of Adam and Eve. You're the one who wanted all the prayers and worship to come to you. Your selfish desires have driven you further into the dark. If you come back to the light, this will all stop--"

"We don't need you!" Morrigan says before shooting another ball of darkness.

I Am dodges out of the way of the darkness, though he stumbles against the wall. He looks at his stomach to find a dark hole forming in his stomach. The music builds up stronger as Morrigan starts to sing angrily.

Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of BloodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora